Anyone near central/ central east florida?


Well-Known Member
best of luck man, if theres one thing we all have in common around here its extreme paranoia about where we live and grow lol


Well-Known Member
best of luck man, if theres one thing we all have in common around here its extreme paranoia about where we live and grow lol
This.. Especially in anti-cannabis Florida. It's best to keep your location to yourself.


Guys I didn't ask your for your opinion. I don't understand why some people always make comments or opinions that are off topic or the person starting the thread didn't ask for.
I don't want to know where anyone lives, there real name, there personal info ect ect. I'm not the type to even ask people those ?'s and if they started asking me, I would move on.
No one is coming to my house nor do i want to go to there's. I'm looking for one cool ass person that smokes and that's it. If we build a trusting friendship down the line great but trust and loyalty don't happen over night. I'm looking for someone I can bullshit with, smoke with , compare strains ect ect. I have a house that was built 6 years ago and is almost 3000 sq ft and a child. Do you think I'm just offering people on here to come into my home? or vice versa. Hell No! I have immediate family and close friends that know nothing about my grows.I can count on 3 fingers who knows about it. and I'm not losing my house and child over someone I just met. and wouldn't expect them to either. I'm mainly looking for a fishing buddy who smokes and can give advice on grows but most importantly life. I don't use my real name and don't use yours. I don't grow indoors year round anyways so someone might be disappointed coming into my home anyways. I like smoking outdoors and being in nature. My wife is a professional and doesn't smoke and people that we socialize with have no clue I smoke. I grow because I find it safer and cheaper than going out. If your in the areas I mentioned an your looking for a buddy to smoke with that is a good solid ass honkie that don't ask you personal ?'s then that's me and INBOX me and we can talk about the great fishing in this area and the hunting season coming up and some great local parks around here and if your not in the area or not looking to meet a smoking buddy then move on and don't bother commenting because It's a waste of your time and mine! and I don't give a shit about what you have to say and you can go start your own thread! and to the one guy that already did inbox me Thanks Because if it wasn't for your logic I probably wouldn't come back to this site again.


Well-Known Member
I recommend the craigs list personal section. watch out for psychos and republicans. This is a cultivation forum not a meet and great, im not trying to be rude im just telling you to be realistic, it is unlikely someone on this website would be trusting enough to immediately meet up with someone and isn't really a question that should be posted on this particular forum considering the nature of what we discuss


Well-Known Member

joshy1981 just wants to play some gamecube... hahaha


Global Moderator
Staff member
That... made me learn that beer, when coming out of one's nose, is not nearly as enjoyable as it is on its way in.

Beer snorting ?


Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
So your first name is likely josh and you were born in 1981. You live in Florida with your wife and child in a 3000sqft home. Also you moved from Ohio to Florida.

When you play powerball do you use your badge number?