Anyone see Transformers?


Active Member
Seriously, best movie of my life and thats not the weed and alcohol talking.
If you haven't seen it yet, watch it, it'll blow your mind, you'll see.
Anyone else dig?


Well-Known Member
I've seen it, i was a little disapointed. They could have done so much better with it.

The cartoon move was so much better. They should have remade that if they had trouble making a story line.


Active Member
I never saw the cartoon version, but I think I'll get a hold of it somehow now that someone put in a good word for it.

I dunno man, every time they transformed I forgot about any faults of the movie because it was so friggen sweet. They definitely set the ending up so there would be a sequel. Maybe that one will tickle your fancy a bit more?


Well-Known Member
Probably not, films today are more about graphics, they spend too much of their budget on it these days. If it doesn't have special effects its a shit film these days.

Give me an involving storyline anyday.

Films like the crow, devils advocate and that sort of shit. No effects just good actors and a great story, thats all a film needs.


Active Member
Maybe best movie of my life was a bit of an exaggeration but it definitely held my attention better than any other movie I've seen in the last couple of years.

For me it just had everything I look for in a movie. Some drama, action, CARS, trippy parts like transformation, the FBI getting shit on, and a pretty good amount of comedy.


Active Member
NGT, I'm sure if enough people reacted the same way as you and put such opinions out in the open, film makers would re-think how they development the movies and story lines.

The Crow and The Devil's Advocate took 15Mill, and 57Mill to make. 151 Million on the Transformers.

I get a feel for your opinion more after seeing those numbers, but nonetheless I still thought it was a good film for anytime.


Well-Known Member
I admit it was captivating while I watched, and the visuals were great. And the new Camaro is sweet (hope it goes into production)!! And, I never saw the cartoon...but I agree with NGT, needed a better storyline to make it more memorable for me .


Active Member
Yeah I'm a car aficionado, and that new Camaro definitely played a big role in the reason I liked it. If it reaches production I might just have to buy me one of them beasts now.