Anyone Think They will Get 8 feet?


Active Member
I have had these girls Vegging since April or even earlier,
the one to the left in the pic of both of them together is an inch away from 4'photo(10).jpgphoto(8).jpgphoto(9).jpg
earlier in the day when it was lighter outfemales.jpg
the other ones dont do justice. I really want to kno more for Detection reasons i dont know if i want them to really be bigger than 8', Please let me know of any advice:) much Appreciated


Well-Known Member
It's difficult to tell scale, but they will probably gain some verticle height once they start flowering. It's hard to say for certain how much. Too many variables. Stretch is mostly based on genetics. Lack of light will cause some verticle growth as it's the plant's natural tendency to grow upward searching for light when it is inadequate.


Well-Known Member
There's a possibility with a few weeks of vegg left and the stretch. Like sonar said there's a few factors at play there. Indica vs Sativa, light hours and food and water and genetics. I always count on at least double but it doesn't always happen. Im out of room so I hope not.


Well-Known Member
2 of mine might try but it's not going to happen if I can help it. I don't need / want them visible over the fence...


Active Member
loll same shit here 1sttime, I'll tie them down if i absolutely have to. i have babys tied but wasnt planning on these girls till i relized they might get big af. But thanks guys


New Member
This one was about 6 and a half before I made the St. Louis arch out of it. Bound it up some too but it will not stay down.