Anyone tried Dutch Passion 'The Ultimate' yet?

Hi Guys,

just purchased 5 feminized Ultimate, guy in the shop has told me that buyers are getting very good yields of this strain, 7 - 8oz a plant from a professional grower.?
I would be more than happy with 1/2 that yield..

My Setup will be in 10L pots,
going to be growing in coco, with canna and advanced nutrients, bigbud / boost etc,
under 1 x 600W Sunmaster dual spectrum, 5 Plants in a 1 x 1m tent with intake,
and carbon filter to match.

Just finished my crop of DP Powerplant, with great results, got 2.5oz per plant x 5,
should last a couple of months :-)

Anyway, just wandering how some of you guys, that have posted on here, were getting on with the Ultimate? As thier is no reviews or anything on the net atall at the moment?

Any updates would be great:idea::-P


all very new to this and started my fist grow 3 weeks ago using dutch passion the ultimate fem seeds. my plant at mo is bout 12" in height with lots of leaves and thick chunky stem. i can not get over how quick these plants grow! jesus! will be turning to flower very soon as not got alot of room. thanks to all you guys posts which has helped me out no end to get started growing my own. will post more updates and picks if i can work out how to do it lol as each stage develops


Well-Known Member
hi guys i always miss the threads im lookming for!!!! o am growing the ultimate at the moment and i am chopping in the the next few weeks. these plants can potentialy grow very large. in fact if you want to see more check out my journal in the link below......
Found this thread through internet search as I was wondering how others were doing with this strain. Took 5 beans about 2 days to sprout. veged under 1100w Mh for about 6 weeks, then under 600w hps to flower. I took a picture of the best pheno of the group at about 4 to 5 weeks into flower. She really took off with buds a plenty coming up from the side branches. Here is a picture of "Mom". I took some of the lower branches that had stretched due to lack of light through the canopy and went ahead and cloned them. I am in about 2 1/2 weeks into the clones that had budded on mom so I am guessing it will take a bit more till she starts showing some veg growth.
I'll be flushing mom here this weekend for a harvest the following. Will post some more pix's of my special gal.



Rebel From The North
dont even bother with this strain way to many phenos all of them are shit! nothing in the way of how they claim the yield is and quality
just sucks DP realy borked this one for shure!


dont even bother with this strain way to many phenos all of them are shit! nothing in the way of how they claim the yield is and quality
just sucks DP realy borked this one for shure!
Your totally wrong there mate. I understand that might be your findings or opinion but that's yours. You shouldn't speak for everyone, I know several people who have had brilliant results with high yields (3.5 - 4 oz per plant dry) from seed in soil. So I don't think you slate them just because you didn't get things right with yours.
I advise people to give them a try, if you want way above average smoke and good yields.


im growing now(no photos) im not impressed looks like all sativas and there is 3fenos about 18 days in flowering i will let them finish out but dont think they are going to have big buds.oh and i cracked 20 beans 18 made it and now i have 13 under 2 1000s.i have money in this so lets hope i at least get some headies


Rebel From The North
Your totally wrong there mate. I understand that might be your findings or opinion but that's yours. You shouldn't speak for everyone, I know several people who have had brilliant results with high yields (3.5 - 4 oz per plant dry) from seed in soil. So I don't think you slate them just because you didn't get things right with yours.
I advise people to give them a try, if you want way above average smoke and good yields.
Well running through 2 packs with no keepers and lots of sativa dom phenos on top of hermie and mutants lol
im glad yours turned out ok but i smoke / grow dank and this isnt either.


Well-Known Member
The 'Ultimate Ripoff' is what it should be called. Totally NOT impressed with these beans at all. Not worth the price/hype.


Well-Known Member
when will ppl learn...dp is garbage!! bottom line...and surely dont buy their fems, talk about hermies and mutations


Well-Known Member
and the spammer above me you can f off i hope a mod sees this and boots him im sick of seeing ppl posting crap like fact i have nothing to do now im going to spam the hell out of him...


Well-Known Member
thanks!! i realized after i posted that that instead of running my mouth i can just click the little water on floor sign and report it myself lol

cary schellie

Active Member
i got dutch passion strawberry cough and the ultimate, I only got 1 seed pick and mix ultimate, no herm issues, Ive been experimenting with it for like a year, trying different topping methods and nute mixes. Everyone who tried it says its knock out, Its yields better then most strains I tried but I'm no pro and like I said only 1 seed so 1 pheno. Nothing like the huge bud in the pick, more like tons of bud sites and popcorn buds


Well-Known Member
danm I thought this was going to be a good strain from the breeders description but nobody has anything good to say about it. thats bullshit how they make the strains sound so good but its shit hybrids and your lucky if you find the right pheno type cause they just don't take the time to stablize their shit I'm thinking the old school greats are probally better then these newer hybrids cause back in the day they didn't pump out strains like they do now subcools only been around a few years and has a shit ton of strains theres no way there consitent strains not to talk shit about subcool but all the breeders are like that just pumping out crosses of crosses I'm definitley thinking of them oldschool strains like northern lights is still one of the best


Well-Known Member
ya but the thing about that is nl takes what 12-14 weeks lol..personally im impatient :D take your pick double the flowering time or a pheno hunt...and i totally agree the names are just getting cranked out and the descriptions are usually full of imbellishments almost to the point where when i see northern lights or purple haze or whatnot i almost just dont even believe it really is. however i will say that it doesnt seem to be strain by strain as far as genetic issues it really seems to be company to company and so i always do my research here before i try a new company, if i try it and its good i pretty much know MOST, wont say all, but most of the rest of their strains will also be solid...and really i dont mind if i get 2-3 phenos, ill pick which i want to keep if i do keep one and clone away and smoke the others into oblivion lol!...but hey dont throw in the towel on our account you never know you could wind up having something good.


Well-Known Member
I grew it last year in my greenhouse, had 1 pheno was very sativa Dom but finished fast, very fruity smelling grew to 13 ft buds were airy and long, Great mould resistance and good for high temp, high humidity , got about 1 elbow off her. 7 out of 10

kona gold

Well-Known Member
ya but the thing about that is nl takes what 12-14 weeks lol..personally im impatient :D take your pick double the flowering time or a pheno hunt...and i totally agree the names are just getting cranked out and the descriptions are usually full of imbellishments almost to the point where when i see northern lights or purple haze or whatnot i almost just dont even believe it really is. however i will say that it doesnt seem to be strain by strain as far as genetic issues it really seems to be company to company and so i always do my research here before i try a new company, if i try it and its good i pretty much know MOST, wont say all, but most of the rest of their strains will also be solid...and really i dont mind if i get 2-3 phenos, ill pick which i want to keep if i do keep one and clone away and smoke the others into oblivion lol!...but hey dont throw in the towel on our account you never know you could wind up having something good.[/

Sorry had to respond to this one.....northern lights does not take 12-14 weeks to flower!
Purple Haze sure....but Northern Lights is a fast strain taking from 6-8 weeks to flower with 9 weeksfor the longest flowering pheno!
Sorry dont want misinfornation to be out there.