Anyone tried this or have a recommendation for Mycorrhizal


Active Member
I used to be sterile, until all the research started coming out about beneficial bacteria and mycos. Have you noticed the explosion of beneficial bacteria and myco additives on the market compared to sterilizing agents? The only "new" sterile solution I've seen in years is UC Roots which is just chlorine. I have seen at least 10 new beneficial additives in the last few years. Especially with all the new sterilzation resistant diseases floating around and taking out entire grows, beneficials have never been more important. A huge issue with your argument is that beneficial bacteria and mycos stay in the root zone and help the roots only, a lot of the chemical sterilizing/sanitizing agents are mobile in the plant system and will much more likely be smoked by a patient/user than any bacteria or fungus growing on the roots.


Thanks for the info!

I have soft water, and my leaves are yellowing slightly (altho it is coming to the end) would epsom salts help here?
Tap water is ok with mycos?


Well-Known Member
I love mycorrhiza too and yes it really does work. If you are using tap/city water you are just tossing your money away,the added levels of chloramine kills all beneficial micro life immediaty so your plants have almost no benefit.
do u think bubbling the tap water for 48 hours is suffient to declorinate tge water.


Well-Known Member
plantsuccess who make great white have a web page and send you one oz free of great white & usually jellyfish as well.

try it and see what you think it's free.


Well-Known Member
Make your own mycorrhizal, simply put a handful of fungai mix from your garden to your plant pot, mix well