Anyone try MJ's Wild Nectar?


Active Member
I love this shit. I had oral surgery the other day and this stuff is tiding me over till i can burn again. What do you guys think about this product.
Not only have I tried this product but am friends with/work with the maker. We sell this at the collective which I manage and he recommended I take this when I had a severe kidney infection. It boosted my immune system causing it to clear up in half the time. Not to mention it helped with the intense pain. It's good stuff, doesn't give you much of a head change, more of a mellow body high/pain reliever, and you do have to drink quite a bit of it to feel the effects, but it's perfect for some of my patients who don't particularly like to get ridiculously baked from some of our heavy hitting indicas just to relieve their pain. Just recommended it to a first time patient suffering from Parkinsons. He has severe gout-like joint pain from the arthritis caused by the Parkinsons, insomnia and must often transport in a wheelchair. He hadn't smoked in 30 years so doesn't like the intensity of many medical marijuana strains. The tincture will relieve his pain without feeling high. Needless to say he will become a return patient :)