Upon further research, I'm beginning to think it's not legit and I will not be going there.
I was looking at some Barney's Farm seeds and came across a few things that have me concerned. #1, there are only 3 official distributors of Barney's Seeds in Canada and they are not one of them. There's one in Toronto, one in Niagara and the other is in Montreal. #2, the prices for Barney's seeds are $15-25 cheaper (pack of 5), then the legitimate distributors. Add these 2 together and I smell fraud. Sure you will get seeds, but I can't see them being the seeds you order. I'm sure they "package" their own selections of seeds into your order with Barney's packaging on the outside. I tried to email Barney's directly to ask them about this place, but their email is down at this time.
I mean, they are across the street from the Pacific Mall, which is a well known place for fraudulent activity (knock off clothing, burned movies/still in theatre, etc). In my newspaper, seems there is a bust in that mall once a month. I'm going with my gut on this one and I'm staying away.
This was the place Barney's Farm listed in Toronto was their only distributor.