Anyone Use Roots Organic Soil And Nutes?

Roots organic regular soil is to hot for new clones so I use greenfeilds which doesn't burn them at all has more nitrogen. Nutrients are good too, I have the full line. Grow and bloom is a bit weak but you just have to use more and its fine. AA is humic acid its good for plant cells and reducing stress. ES is good for foliar feeding. Trinity is the best, growth catylast, root growth catylast, and carb source. Hp2 0-4-0 bat guano. Hpk 0-5-4 pretty much the same execpt more potassium. Oregonism xl is good but im going with humboldt mycro madness, more species and more of them.
Love the RO soil, but not a fan of the nutes...they lack secondary and micros. I do like the 0-5-4 RO for an organic P and K bump. For what it's worth, here's my nute choice:

Earthjuice Microblast for the micros
Botanicare Ca for calcium
Botanicare Sweet Raw for sulphur and magnesium
After that, it's whatever N-P-K the plant needs at the time. There are alot of choices for organic N-P-K, but not for micros and secondary. Of course, a good top dressing of worm castings and worm tea always helps keep things happy.
Love Roots Organic Soil ,
FF is pretty good to ,,
and i give Happy Frog 2 thumbs up ,
i like to mix the happy with my roots , happy frog has alot of Mycorrhizae in it
I use the roots organics formula 707 as a base my soil. For veg i use Canna Terra Pro Plus with a little perlite, blood meal, and beneficial mycorrihizae added. For flower i mix the roots organic 707 with about a 50/50 blend of black peat. add in earthworm castings, bat guano, blood meal, fish bone meal, greensand, perlite, powdered humic acid. so i basically use it because it isnt super fortified with nutes. I add my own pure forms and need some inexpensive soil to use as filler. I used it once as a stand alone soil and experienced terrible nutrient deficiencies.
Roots organic regular soil is to hot for new clones so I use greenfeilds which doesn't burn them at all has more nitrogen. Nutrients are good too, I have the full line. Grow and bloom is a bit weak but you just have to use more and its fine. AA is humic acid its good for plant cells and reducing stress. ES is good for foliar feeding. Trinity is the best, growth catylast, root growth catylast, and carb source. Hp2 0-4-0 bat guano. Hpk 0-5-4 pretty much the same execpt more potassium. Oregonism xl is good but im going with humboldt mycro madness, more species and more of them.

i dunno ive used it for seeds, clones never had any problems. the only thing ive noticed is you have to add nutes quicker than other soils.
It is what i use and have had no issues. I prefer the heavier coco base let you work you nute line to it fullest potential. The pics of my Jah and Sweet Kush and the Jack Flash were grown in 707 and had no issues through the 14 wks start to finish.
OR soil is too acidic. Test the ph runoff of your freshly potted seedlings or clones, and notice that it will be around 4.9-5.2. My plants were growing all retarded until I corrected the problem, ...quite late. It's a good soil, but it also attracts gnats like a mudafuka. Bottom line, good soil but too acidic and your pot will become a gnat motel.
Ive used RO soilless for several years with no issues , about six moths ago everything changed and all of the sudden all it would grow well was fungus gnats, which ended up being a major issue for me . I began using ROYAL GOLD's BASEMENT MIX and I'm glad I did . I only tried it becouse of the bug problem with RO, but now I'll never go back . as good as I thought roots was,Basement is way better for me.I use Botanicare PRO grow for veg. and the pro bloom for flower . Liquid Karma, Carbo Blast , Bud Blaster , Mico Grow and Hygrozime . It should be said that I'm in Oregon.( the home of ROOTS ) I have heard of no such problems from the east coast. Rumor has it localy that the Company has been having financial issues and have begun purchusing less quality amendments .I don't know if thats true, but it would explain recent inconsistency.I'm not dissin it , just saying be aware.GOOD LUCK and...:peace:...J.L.
ive been growing for 2 years now and using RO soil 707. good stuff. when i started i had no gnats at all. till 6 months ago and they got out of control. i was new at this growing think and my first grow was good. i was surprised. no nute burn. no bugs. i wasent even checking ph. still getting 1/2 to oz. per plant. so now i got gnats curled and yellowing leaves. my hydro guy says there company is producing so much soil theyre not able to check it as much. and im using house and garden nutes.
ive been growing for 2 years now and using RO soil 707. good stuff. when i started i had no gnats at all. till 6 months ago and they got out of control. i was new at this growing think and my first grow was good. i was surprised. no nute burn. no bugs. i wasent even checking ph. still getting 1/2 to oz. per plant. so now i got gnats curled and yellowing leaves. my hydro guy says there company is producing so much soil theyre not able to check it as much. and im using house and garden nutes.

Did you get rid of the gnats ? if so how ? I figured out a sure fire and organic way to get rid of them. I don't want to side track the thread so you can PM me . thanks ...J.L...
RO 707 as a base 6 parts, ancient forest 2 parts, earthworm castings 1 part, horticultural corn meal 1 part, dried molasses 1 lb. mixed for container SOG.
Top dressed with diatomaceous earth . A highly resistant soil to mold and bugs and rich in everything that make my Ladies happy.