anyone use this?


Well-Known Member
i used the THARZ last night. i will prolly start incorporating their products in with my current. i just have to becareful. some of their product can be pretty heavy in salts. i guess i will keep this thread going as i try the different products from cutting edge


Well-Known Member
Hello there fellow GLEEO enthusiast. So let's take it from the top;

The best way to apply GLEEO is actually to dilute it in plain water (2
oz.-5 gln H20) and apply it directly to the root zone. You can start
with soaking cutting trays before you transplant, and then maybe hit 'em
again after they're established.

When it comes to the mycobiology involved with healthy plant production
we could talk for a very long time, it's a very broad topic. Yes there
are both beneficial and pathogenic organisms in soil ecology, and it
is all about balance. If you have to much or too little of one or the
other you can experience less than optimum results. The idea is to keep
everything happy together.

Rust spots alot of the time can be traced to an over heating of plants,
or drying out and then overwatering. Could this be your issue?

When it comes to organic fertilizing...It's a skill and it can be very
rewarding. You really want to be careful with teas, I would suggest
using very dilute solutions. We make a product called HUMTEA which is a
biologically active innocculent, essentially it's a perfectly balanced
plant food with the nutrient levels where they need to be, with the added
bonus of having beneficial microorganisms. It is not a compost tea
however, there is no guano of any kind. Guanos can be a tricky thing to
play with. Not only is it possible to introduce pathogenic organisms with
guano, but most guanos (especially bat) can be VERY harmful to human
beings through airborne ingestion. I do encourage you to try organics
though, as I am a big proponent of it and actually was in the organic
food industry for many years. My main thing would be to start slow and
build up, you can hurt or kill a plant with organics just as with chem
I would tell you to check out our products, which are very clean and we
use as much OMRI listed elements in our formulas but the only product
that we make OMRI certified is PLANT AMP, our calcium additive (which
rocks!). HUMTEA is not certified because we cant register certain
biological ingredients (which are completely organic nonetheless), but it is
also a great organic product for all intents and purposes.

If you do come by the SF show at Fort Mason, July 29 (I believe that
Sat is industry people only, Sunday is for customers), please stop by our
booth, we will have our PhD mycologist and many answers to many
questions. Thanks for the feedback about Specialty as well, KC is a good
dude, I like the energy from those guys as well.

Hopefully this helps you out a bit, good luck in all your endeavors and


> -------Original Message-------
> From: <>
> Subject: Enquiry from Cutting Edge Solutions
> Sent: 12 Jul '07 09:26
> I have recently obtained your product- GLEEO. i called your ph# on
the bottle to get some help with application and was greeted very
curtiously and informatively. Thanks!
> I am begining to understand more about gleeo and its "power", in
conjuction with this product, is there something can i can be doing/using
to unsure the fastes most effecient colinizing is taking place?
> Also any information about your research, i am particularly
interested in the beneficial organisms, as well as non beneficial and the
problems that they cause, i.e symptoms, and solutions. (im having rust spots
form in my serrated leafelets). I garden both indoors andout in ground
as well as containers.
> i use strong non organic fertilizers for flowers and fruits (fox
farm), and i really am wanting all organic. i use teas and guanos and
organic soils, i want to get away from fox farm if i can, what do you
suggest for this time in my "plants' " life cycle?
> Thank you so much, i am so happy i found your company and products,
i am looking forward to learning, as well incorperating your products
in my grows.
> and i would also like to plug my local shop where i bought the
gleeo.. great guys at specialty hydroponics in watsonsonville (santa cruz
> thanks again and i will be looking forward to your response!
> ps. i know you guys will be in SF at the end of the month, can i get
info on where and when....? thanks again