Anyone used Alaska® fertilizers?


Active Member
Alaska® Morbloom Fertilizer

basically a organic fish emulsion as far as I can tell.
as seen here: Lilly Miller :: Alaska Brand

This is about as close to non schultz/MG nutes that I can get access to at this point. 1 quart is $4.50 at my local garden store.

Im looking for information on a nute/fert to add at 3 weeks into 12/12 cycle.

My options are: the Alaska Morbloom 0-10-10, or the Schultz BloomPlus plant food 10-54-10 (seen here:

I also think that I have a slight potassium deficiency but either one of these ferts should help take care of that.


Well-Known Member
I bought some too. Looks like good stuff, but from all I have read and been told, it's good for vegging, but not so good for flowering. It's 5-1-1. High in Nitrogen, low in P & K.
he was asking about the bloom which is 0-10-10.

ive only used the 5-1-1 with no problems, i would give it a shot...i just got some bat guano


Active Member
Alaska ferts are really good. I use them for all my veggies and herbs, the only downfall is the smell, its horrible but the plants love it.