Anyone using sheep manure and Fish/Blood/Bone on soil?


Well-Known Member
I have made some killer teas out of sheep manure. I use to live near a guy who had a bunch of sheep and would let me rake up what I wanted too scared of critters to put in my indoor pots but made some nice brew out of it. You using it for outdoor?


Active Member
Yes, initially on pots, then directly on the ground along my tomato plants (spraying the soil with rotten sheep manure and FBB). I've grown quite healthy plants with them and some mild liquid organic plant food. That does it for me as it's for personal use, don't need the yields and quality of a commercial grower.


Well-Known Member
im currently using sheep manure as well and i have mine mixed in the soil at 5 parts soil to 2 parts manure, but i want to buy an air stone so when i make my teas i can 'airate' it before use. i plan to get some cow manure aswell and mix them together for a tea.


Active Member
I'm glad I'm not alone, hadn't read any info/thread/comment on sheep manure and marijuana before. What else do people mix with the soil (organic)?