Anyone watch Trailer Park Boys, Weeds, or Breaking Bad??

I love all those shows!!!! me and my partner have been watching/ have watched them all.

My favortie Character hands down in Weeds is Doug and always has been!!!! Hes way too funny!!

Breaking Bad is an epic show!!! I cant believe he let that chick die in her own vomit!!!!!! WALT!!!!

Trailer park boys is a classic- im canadian so i have to watch it lol too bad its over though
In a nutshell Breaking Bad is about a straight laced high school chemistry teacher who finds out he is dying of cancer and has limited time left to try to provide for his family (which includes a son with MS so bills to live are through the roof anywya) so the straightest squarest guy you've ever seen goes about getting into the meth cooking/selling business with an ex student of his as his last resort.

The teacher never did nor does drugs, the student of course does. Also the teachers brother in law is DEA.

Anyway there's a lot more to it, funny and serious both, and it is absolutely a show where you do have to start at the beginning or it won't make the same kind of sense it should. It has a normal timeline and stories that build on eachother.

Imagine your dorky high school teacher getting involved with meth heads and gangsters... But becoming a sort of scaredy cat bad ass because nothing can hurt him more than cancer or the idea of leaving his family unable to care for themselves.
Wow, thank you. Sounds like a good show. I'm already wondering how long they can keep making episodes though. It's sorta hard to make a long lasting show when you gave the lead character a death sentence from the start. haha
Wow, thank you. Sounds like a good show. I'm already wondering how long they can keep making episodes though. It's sorta hard to make a long lasting show when you gave the lead character a death sentence from the start. haha

yeah but the keep giving him more time, so who knows where it's going.
yeah but the keep giving him more time, so who knows where it's going.
Ahh then I'm gonna go on record and predict the future without watching the show before.... I think the main character will somehow beat the cancer but get thrown in jail......Or get thrown in jail but he doesn't care since he thinks he's dying but while in jail finds out he's going to live....making him have to serve him whole time in jail.....just a hunch lol
Ahh then I'm gonna go on record and predict the future without watching the show before.... I think the main character will somehow beat the cancer but get thrown in jail......Or get thrown in jail but he doesn't care since he thinks he's dying but while in jail finds out he's going to live....making him have to serve him whole time in jail.....just a hunch lol

yea really how he wasnt already busted....:leaf:
yeah since the stupid writer strike they have blown donkey... but Ive liked the last 3 episodes a bit more.
off topic but IMO house is horribly written. They have a female boss and yet house(male) controls everything and is 100% the boss of cuddie. When he had like 60 interns i kinda stopped liking house. It was all a bit much for me. And a really sexist show lol. ( im not a feminist female) it is funny dry humour but can not be compared to breaking bad. once again imo
ya true... I think they fucked before the show, I think i remember that at some point. It just seems like house is always guessing jondis, or auto immune.

I think Walts brother-in-law will find out the next season and have the dilemma about what to do. thats my prediction. And that walt and Jesse will be against each other too.!!
Hey in weeds did ya know Nancy's 1st dead husband (the father of Shane and Silas), that in real life her and they guy that played her 1st hubby
were engaged to be married, until Weeds came out, they split and went their seperate ways, also the same guys is the producer of the show.
It's sad they couldn't make it work, but I'm sure seeing her all over those other guys didn't help anything.