If there is anyone out there who can help me--my dad was just recently diagnosed with stage 4 sarcoma. It is in both his lungs and it is inoperable. He does not want chemo as it is not a cure and the percentage of it even working is low. He really wants to try the rick simpson oil but we have no idea how we would even get a hold of it. We live in Maryland and if there is anyone out there who knows a reputable person who is able to get this for us so we may purchase it from there, I would be very grateful because I don't want to lose my dad and think this might work for him, as I have read about people that have been cured by using it. We were even thinking of traveling to oregon if that was our only choice, but we don't know the process or how long it would take or who we would obtain it from. Please, any any info would be so appreciated.