anyone with chemistry backround? butane honey oil question


Well-Known Member
the butane evaporates out of the oil in about 20 minutes from my experiences. but my question is this; why after storing them in glass containers the oil bubbles and rises to the top. i have 7 grams of oil in a glass vial and it continues to bubble and rise unless some warm heat is applied so the bubbles pop and the oil settles toward the bottom again. i waited overnight to put the oil into containers just to make sure all butane is evaporated. so what causes the oil to bubble and rise in the glass vials? it cant be butane because that has all been evaporated, so just wondering what is happening.


Well-Known Member
fdd could help you better then anyone i think search the thread for honey he did it a couple of days ago. good luck


Well-Known Member
i let mine dry for a week. i think small traces of butane remain. if you let it dry long enough it gets dry and crystally.


Active Member
the bubbles indicate it isn't as evaporated as you would like it to be. try using seperatory funnel instead of honey extractor in the lab(better equipment always helps). then first use a rotary evaporator, and vacuum dry it. your original question about the bubbles indicate it wasn't completely evaporated. when you use the rotary evaporator, you would be surprised how much you can still evaporate, after you THOUGHT you had the finished product:D your question was directed at somebody with chemistry experience, so this equipment is easily available in the lab, but I imagine with no lab, this equipment would be pretty expensive... your little device seems to be made for this procedure, so i don't know if its necessary to change that method, but the major improvement could be made using the rotary evaporator. maybe after 20 minutes, the butane on top has evaporated, but there would also be butane inside the stuff you are making. please excuse my hastily written response, sorry im not doing a thesis on this matter, but i hope it helps you, as knowledge is power.