anything i can do to boost flowering?


Well-Known Member
So ill be at week two on friday im using floranova bloom and cal mag when needed can i do anything To help with more yeild or faster growth i kno they are tiny as fuck but i fucked up early on and didnt wanna turn back im growing just for fun i cant smoke but i want to grow good shit



Well-Known Member
I say relax and just continue the feeding of bloom nutrients, then plain water only. Flowering is slow in the first couple of weeks. Things will progress more rapidly as you get into your 3rd and 4th weeks. No need for extra products or over feeding.


Well-Known Member
Ku ya thanks i read that up intell the third week they just strech and grow fan leaves then it slows down and focuses on bud growth i just hope the problem i had yesterday dont down more my cat knocked my plants over and tore alot of roots in the process but i re potted and nothing bad seems to have happend