"Anything is possible"


Well-Known Member
I think another reason some find it depressing is if you haven't achieved everything, then you must be a major fail :sad:


Well-Known Member
Just made the whole world and stuff.

And we are that awesome in using free will to singlehandedly send it all into oblivion for personal gain ^^;

Meh XP


Active Member
Just made the whole world and stuff.
That's a whole different thread lol.
I'm not necessarily talking about what's achievable, I just feel like there's a lot more bad things that can happen than good things. One bad thing can offset 10 good things.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough :3

We only tend to notice the bad things... I should know, i have severe bouts of depression XP

But in turn, a good thing can sometimes make the bad things go away ^^

Look outside. Are there a few blades of grass or weeds about? Is the sun in the sky even if it's behind clouds of smog? Then that is a Little good thing, and it's up to us to preserve them and make them Greater for everyone. <3


Active Member
Well, to be honest the sun has been out a lot lately, like 80 degree temps. This has made my grow go up to 89 degrees which I've been pretty mad about but anyways... Maybe I'm just cynical and take good things for granted. It just seems like one bad decision can snowball a bunch of shit.