Anything suggest a Hermie with this plant?


P7190022.jpgP7190035.jpgP7190040.jpgP7190043.jpgP7190046.jpgP7190039.jpgP7190037.jpgP7190054.jpgP7190045.jpgP7190056.jpgP7190049.jpgP7190048.jpgP7190042.jpgP7190029.jpgP7190020.jpgP7190047.jpgP7190050.jpgP7190038.jpgP7190041.jpgP7190034.jpgP7190033.jpgP7190051.jpgP7190019.jpgP7190036.jpgFirst time grow for me and have gone with Super Silver Haze.
I've had my mind in lots of different places during the grow, would just like some comments if anyone can see anything in these pics that looks like a Hermie.
I can say for sure that I've seen no balls hanging off the stems, however some of the inner areas of the pistils look a bit weird, just not sure if it's a concern.

Also, I've already smoked some, it's amazing, long highs and very much a sativa head high, can focus when needed, great around friends, tastes great - GH nutes.

How long does it look like it might have left before I can start harvest or if it's a Hermie, should I chop now as it's already smoking good, just no chunky buds.



Active Member
I can't see anything hermi there at all, I think my one female bagseed is going to be like yours. Lots and lots of flowers every where, but no buds forming. Those would be breeders are screwin up the genetics.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
looks good, i can`t see anything hermi either..

if you have the time check it regular for seeds, minute you see signs chop, how long more were you planning on flowering for?


Okay so if no buds, does this mean i need to be patient, like waiting another 3-4 weeks?
It's currently at 8 weeks 12/12 and around 6-7 weeks flowering.

kether noir

Well-Known Member

looks like you have a few weeks left at least. they fatten up the last two weeks or so. she looks good tho.

93 93/93


Active Member
whispy flowers along slender stalks with long slender-fingered leaves.
prolly gonna flower like 75 days plus - looks BEAUTIFUL
keep up the GREAT WORK

as to the guy with the bagseed

often your common schwagmercial brown dirt (most of my favorite herb) is from a massive field of sativa plants grown somewhere south of texas
a seed from here would tend to look just like this

a plant this far along should not hermy excepting form stress or age(which is also a stress)

great plant man - beautiful
that plant is gorgeous

this far into its life, you won't see any little balls
they'd be little bananas - literally they stick sraight up out of buds in singles and small groups

be nice to it and it'll continue to perform
don't cut that plant

another sign of fertilization is often a premature color change in the pistils, especially when evidenced in particular concentrations

even if you see fertilization, however, don't cut it down

first, damage is done
second, seeds weigh more
third, the most highly concentrated trichomes on a plant are on the "skins" of the seeds
fourth, pot is good

if a plant goes raw hermy, by all means, chop it down
i have cut stress hermies when they were only a few weeks in
at the advice of folks on this forum, i have let plants finish that hermed late in bud, and i am glad for it

if you don't want to continue the line, destroy the clones, but finish your plant

edit - i AM seeing this strange crystalline dust on your leaves though... if that becomes an infestation, you should burn it

also - your plant needs watered in that pic and you could use more air movement right at the top of the plant - looks like MUCH higher temps at the top of the plant
lol - i keep looking - she's pretty


whispy flowers along slender stalks with long slender-fingered leaves.
prolly gonna flower like 75 days plus - looks BEAUTIFUL
keep up the GREAT WORK

edit - i AM seeing this strange crystalline dust on your leaves though... if that becomes an infestation, you should burn it

also - your plant needs watered in that pic and you could use more air movement right at the top of the plant - looks like MUCH higher temps at the top of the plant
lol - i keep looking - she's pretty
Thanks man.

So should I be concerned about the crystaline dust on the leaves? I thought this might have been some trichomes.

The only prob I've had into flowering was about 4 weeks ago, I snapped the main stem when attempting to bend it over... it appears to have fixed itself and had just hoped this wouldn't have brought on the dreaded hermie.


Well-Known Member
i really dont have no idea about hermie thing but please keep update of your plant to the end....interesting story :) so i can learn a thing or more...than that your plant looks beautiful slender !


also - your plant needs watered in that pic and you could use more air movement right at the top of the plant - looks like MUCH higher temps at the top of the plant
lol - i keep looking - she's pretty
I might agree about the air movement, I switched off the fan when I thought I had hermies, to prevent pollen being blown around.

Anyway, as for watering, why would you suggest that? I'm using the Hempy Bucket method, watering religously ever 2 days and the bucket is just starting to feel a bit lighter by then.
Does anyone think I should be watering daily at this point? I have it in a 15 Litre bucket.


Active Member
Thanks man.

So should I be concerned about the crystaline dust on the leaves? I thought this might have been some trichomes.

The only prob I've had into flowering was about 4 weeks ago, I snapped the main stem when attempting to bend it over... it appears to have fixed itself and had just hoped this wouldn't have brought on the dreaded hermie.
sorry - yes - i was kidding
those are trichs and when they infest, you should burn your herb?

no - there is a practice called supercropping that actually INSTRUCTS you to SNAP your stem... um yeah... anyway - no they're resilient


As the dust has already settled, am I only waiting for the fattening into buds for a bigger yield?
If I were to smoke some now which I have been, is it looking like it's at full THC potential or does that happen during budding?

Also, the small green leaves the dust is on, can you smoke or vapourise them? Or are they considered leaf and should be cut off? Excuse my ignorance.