Anything to worry about?

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
My hijack auto is 36 days old and I've noticed some of the older leaves with these spots on them. Ph is good. Giving FF 1/2 nutes (gonna give half one more time and then increase). Under kind L450 in a 20"x36"x63". RH approx 55%. She's growing like crazy and has pretty abundant trichs already. You think these are anything to worry about?



Well-Known Member
Some of it looks like Cal / Mag deficiency.
Some of it looks like heat damage. You also got some tacoing going on.
What are your temps..especially at the tops ?


Well-Known Member
Looks like ca *and* mg def (mostly ca, though). I'd say increase calmag if you're using it, otherwise treat with 1/4-1/2 tsp epsom salt and 1/2 tsp gypsum (but, gypsum doesn't dissolve entirely. Probably better not to let the sediment pour out onto the soil where it would continue to contribute over time when it won't be as much in your control.).

However, before doing that I'd make sure you aren't suffering salt buildup. It's about the right time for it. Have you been measuring your runoff ppm and ph? As a one time measure, runoff ph isn't too helpful. But, as a trend it's informative. If it's getting down around 5.2 it would cause this. You'd also see runoff ppms around 2500. But, again, it's more the trend. Those numbers may not apply to everyone.

If you have that problem and add more salts it will increase the problem (unless you water for 50% runoff which would make it more like an equal trade of fresh salts for those you flush out). If unsure, it wouldn't hurt to feed just the epsom and gypsum with 100% runoff. That would kill two birds with one stone. I dont' think I'd increase the nute strength. I don't see that kind of deficiency. And, considering the odds are salt buildup, would make things worse.

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Thanks to both for very informative answers. She's been treated will camg from the beginning. temps range from 71-78* at just below light level. She's also in excess of 10" from the light. Just flushed a couple of weeks ago so don't think salt buildup is the issue. Ppms around 1600 and ph in @6.5 runoff @6.5


Well-Known Member
I would increase calmag (since you have it on hand, and I see both defs. I don't like using it to treat just one def. However, the ca looks more pronounced. You could give 1/4 tsp/gal gypsum in addition to bumping the calmag up 30%, I assume that would be 2ml if you're doing 5ml as a matter of course. With ca/mg the ratio is important 2:1 to 3:1. If you have a ratio problem and add both via calmag, the ratio would remain the same. That's why I'd treat the ca a little more by itself. But, that's just my style. Most people just reach for calmag whenever they see either def.).


Well-Known Member
my plants look almost the same. They're a bit older than yours. I raised my light, allowed extra runoff today, and will supplement ca ma tommorow.

Out of curiosity, are you running an open reflector?

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Looks like ca *and* mg def (mostly ca, though). I'd say increase calmag if you're using it, otherwise treat with 1/4-1/2 tsp epsom salt and 1/2 tsp gypsum (but, gypsum doesn't dissolve entirely. Probably better not to let the sediment pour out onto the soil where it would continue to contribute over time when it won't be as much in your control.).

However, before doing that I'd make sure you aren't suffering salt buildup. It's about the right time for it. Have you been measuring your runoff ppm and ph? As a one time measure, runoff ph isn't too helpful. But, as a trend it's informative. If it's getting down around 5.2 it would cause this. You'd also see runoff ppms around 2500. But, again, it's more the trend. Those numbers may not apply to everyone.

If you have that problem and add more salts it will increase the problem (unless you water for 50% runoff which would make it more like an equal trade of fresh salts for those you flush out). If unsure, "it wouldn't hurt to feed just the epsom and gypsum with 100% runoff. That would kill two birds with one stone. I dont' think I'd increase the nute strength. I don't see that kind of deficiency. And, considering the odds are salt buildup, would make things worse.
What did you mean in the last paragraph:

"it wouldn't hurt to feed just the epsom and gypsum with 100% runoff."


Well-Known Member
What did you mean in the last paragraph:

"it wouldn't hurt to feed just the epsom and gypsum with 100% runoff."
That was from a post before you said it doesn't sound like salt buildup (soil acidification). I was thinking, if you didn't know, it wouldn't hurt to treat the ca/mg def and flush moderately. But, if you have runoff 1600ppm and ph 6.5, you probably don't need to.


Well-Known Member
Id suggest taking care of the calmag deficiency before its too late, it destroyed my last harvest.

2015-03-22 02.20.17.jpg 2015-03-28 15.27.57.jpg 2015-03-14 23.17.46.jpg

mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Thanks again for the input. I've been administering 7.5 - 10 ml of camg every watering for about 3.5 weeks now cause the first couple of weeks I was giving distillers h2o w/o any calmag (using tap water for almost a month now with the added 7.5-10ml). I was told autos need a bit more so instead of giving 5ml I've been upping it 50-100%. Should I really up the dosage? I def don't want to lose this plant and the symptoms seem to be getting more prevalent in the other leaves. Should I flush again even though I flushed 2 wks ago. Can the problem be too much camg?
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mickey oneil

Well-Known Member
Also, this is my transiberian auto. She's @day 41 and has really been a slow mover. The hijack is a week younger and has wayyy more developed buds. The TS isn't producing trichs at all--what can contribute to this happening? Ffof soil/using 1/2 strength Big bloom and tiger bloom/7.5ml camg/ph in 6.5/ph out 6.4/ ppms 1950/ temp 73-79*F/RH 50-60%/ tent is pretty tight @ 20"x36"x62". Light is kind l450. The last pic is the hijack as a comparison.



Well-Known Member
Also, this is my transiberian auto. She's @day 41 and has really been a slow mover. The hijack is a week younger and has wayyy more developed buds. The TS isn't producing trichs at all--what can contribute to this happening? Ffof soil/using 1/2 strength Big bloom and tiger bloom/7.5ml camg/ph in 6.5/ph out 6.4/ ppms 1950/ temp 73-79*F/RH 50-60%/ tent is pretty tight @ 20"x36"x62". Light is kind l450. The last pic is the hijack as a comparison.
The most simple answer could be, that the strains have a different biological "countdown" to flowering. I have identical strains flowering at different rates at the moment.

The one not flowering is taller, correct? She's just still stretching out so she can produce for ya :)

Imo, the longer an auto takes to flower, the larger it will be. But they all more or less flower after seedling. It could only be a difference of a week or so.