AP: Biden unveiling $1.9T coronavirus action plan

That's the most sensible thing you've said. I'm skeptical that you believe it.

Don't your willingly given tax dollars pay to jail your fellow man for victimless crimes ?
Yes but they also go towards jailing criminals. Taxes suck, I get it, but they ain't going nowhere. Might as well get comfortable being uncomfortable.
That's the most sensible thing you've said. I'm skeptical that you believe it.

Don't your willingly given tax dollars pay to jail your fellow man for victimless crimes ?
Yes but they also go towards jailing criminals. Taxes suck, I get it, but they ain't going nowhere. Might as well get comfortable being uncomfortable.
Yes but they also go towards jailing criminals. Taxes suck, I get it, but they ain't going nowhere. Might as well get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Yet they don't go towards jailing the criminals that make or enforce the victimless crime laws. Funny how that happens eh?

I have no desire to rebute your secondhand non sequitur irrelevant strawmen. I hope the rest of your days suck ass so don’t bother with the faux courteousness that translates to “I have nothing sensible to say”.

Nothing sensible to say !!!???? Harumph!!!

The rest of my wonderful days are followed by hot and steamy nights punctuated by the sound of old people fucking.
Perhaps not, but I sure as hell trust them to do it more than I do you.

In order for government to do anything though they have to first steal the product of others labor.
Why would you trust that over a person who wants you to be free to make your own choices ?

Are you in some kind of secret program ? Being held in a camp and forced to recite pro government propaganda ? John McCain is that you ?