AP Poll: Sharp divisions after high court backs gay marriage

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Gays and progresssives managed to take a good thing, marriage equality, and poison it with militant persecution of religious people. Everybody hates bullies:

1. A small bakery in Oregon;
2. A small pizza joint in Indiana.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Gays and progresssives managed to take a good thing, marriage equality, and poison it with militant persecution of religious people. Everybody hates bullies:

1. A small bakery in Oregon;
2. A small pizza joint in Indiana.
I heard the small Oregon bakery has had a lot of support and donations to almost cover there 135k ridiculous fine. Somebody needs to sue the governor of Oregon for discrimination at the DMV. I am tired of them handing out drivers license's to illegals and not caring about the driving history and then punish citizens that have made mistakes. Thats worst discrimination than a cake ever will be.


Well-Known Member
I heard the small Oregon bakery has had a lot of support and donations to almost cover there 135k ridiculous fine. Somebody needs to sue the governor of Oregon for discrimination at the DMV. I am tired of them handing out drivers license's to illegals and not caring about the driving history and then punish citizens that have made mistakes. Thats worst discrimination than a cake ever will be.
I bet you bitch about illegals not having a drivers license. Then you bitch about them getting a drivers license.


Well-Known Member
He just told you exactly how he was being discriminated against. "I am tired of them handing out drivers license's to illegals and not caring about the driving history and then punish citizens that have made mistakes. Thats worst discrimination than a cake ever will be." Then you ask that stupid question?


Well-Known Member
He just told you exactly how he was being discriminated against. "I am tired of them handing out drivers license's to illegals and not caring about the driving history and then punish citizens that have made mistakes. Thats worst discrimination than a cake ever will be." Then you ask that stupid question?
You mean illegals dont have to take a test?
And somehow there driving records dont count against them?
Illegals are exempt from traffic laws as well?


Well-Known Member
You mean illegals dont have to take a test?
And somehow there driving records dont count against them?
Illegals are exempt from traffic laws as well?
No, I mean "He just told you exactly how he was being discriminated against.Then you ask that stupid question?"
I made no comment about the factualness of his complaint. Try to comment on what I actually say, not the words you attempt to put in my mouth.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
You mean illegals dont have to take a test?
And somehow there driving records dont count against them?
Illegals are exempt from traffic laws as well?
Things did change in Oregon, but the damage and discrimination has already been done. And then the state put it up to a vote and the democrats voted it down by a big margin to not hand them out. So as far as I know it hasn't continued like it was. But it was out of control for awhile and it caused the normal citizens to jump through hoops to get renewed now because of it. It was pretty discriminating to a lot of people that have made mistakes in life and were paying for those mistakes while the illegals were laughing at them.

Thank god the Oregon democrats had enough common sense to stop it.

Oregon Voters Reject Drivers Licenses for Illegals, Overriding Legislature and Governor
by Top Right News on November 5, 2014 in Uncategorized

by Brian Hayes | Top Right News

The electoral rout of Democrats tonight was not just limited to Republican victories in the Senate and state houses.

It included the only immigration-related measure on the ballot nationwide — liberal Oregon’s Measure 88, which would have provided driver cards to illegal aliens, and which the Oregon legislature passed and Gov. John Kitzhaber signed in May 2013.

And with 70% of ballots counted, the people of Oregon overwhelmingly rejected licenses for illegals, by a staggering margin.

The rejection has stunned the pro-amnesty left (and many on the right) and is an early warning to Barack Obama of the danger of his planned unilateral amnesty for 11-20 million illegal aliens.

It was a David vs. Goliath triumph. The measure pitted labor unions, business groups and immigrant-rights organizations against a group of activists on shoestring budget who fought tooth and nail to get the issue to the ballot.

And one woman gets the credit: Cynthia Kendoll, president of Oregonians for Immigration Reform. She said:

“I’m thrilled, needless to say,” she said late Tuesday. “It went the way we hoped it would go and all the hard work we did has paid off.” She said the outcome was a victory for those who are “sick and tired of big business, special interest groups and unions controlling our government.”

She said those groups are trying to define what the state’s laws look like but “Oregonians could see right through it.” Asked if she thought the measure might come back in future elections, she said she hoped not. She also said that she doubts it would because “we’ve sent a strong enough message.”

Under terms of the state constitution, a group named Protect Oregon Driver Licenses had only 90 days to gather the 58,142 signatures needed to refer the issue to the ballot. They made it with both signatures and time to spare.

Enraged illegal aliens showed their true racist colors in a nasty Twitter attack after the measure’s defeat was called by national media:

Such wonderful additions to the “fabric of America” these illegals would make…if evil racist Whites would only give them a chance.

Remember that Oregon is about 2:1 Democrat in registrations.

Americans do not want amnesty or ANY benefits to illegals — Democrats AND Republicans.

Are you listening, Washington D.C.?


Active Member
Gays and progresssives managed to take a good thing, marriage equality, and poison it with militant persecution of religious people. Everybody hates bullies:

1. A small bakery in Oregon;
2. A small pizza joint in Indiana.
How 'bout you can shit on the American Flag and nothing happens, but burn a Gay rights flag and be charged with a hate crime.


Active Member
Things did change in Oregon, but the damage and discrimination has already been done. And then the state put it up to a vote and the democrats voted it down by a big margin to not hand them out. So as far as I know it hasn't continued like it was. But it was out of control for awhile and it caused the normal citizens to jump through hoops to get renewed now because of it. It was pretty discriminating to a lot of people that have made mistakes in life and were paying for those mistakes while the illegals were laughing at them.

Thank god the Oregon democrats had enough common sense to stop it.

Oregon Voters Reject Drivers Licenses for Illegals, Overriding Legislature and Governor
by Top Right News on November 5, 2014 in Uncategorized

by Brian Hayes | Top Right News

The electoral rout of Democrats tonight was not just limited to Republican victories in the Senate and state houses.

It included the only immigration-related measure on the ballot nationwide — liberal Oregon’s Measure 88, which would have provided driver cards to illegal aliens, and which the Oregon legislature passed and Gov. John Kitzhaber signed in May 2013.

And with 70% of ballots counted, the people of Oregon overwhelmingly rejected licenses for illegals, by a staggering margin.

The rejection has stunned the pro-amnesty left (and many on the right) and is an early warning to Barack Obama of the danger of his planned unilateral amnesty for 11-20 million illegal aliens.

It was a David vs. Goliath triumph. The measure pitted labor unions, business groups and immigrant-rights organizations against a group of activists on shoestring budget who fought tooth and nail to get the issue to the ballot.

And one woman gets the credit: Cynthia Kendoll, president of Oregonians for Immigration Reform. She said:

“I’m thrilled, needless to say,” she said late Tuesday. “It went the way we hoped it would go and all the hard work we did has paid off.” She said the outcome was a victory for those who are “sick and tired of big business, special interest groups and unions controlling our government.”

She said those groups are trying to define what the state’s laws look like but “Oregonians could see right through it.” Asked if she thought the measure might come back in future elections, she said she hoped not. She also said that she doubts it would because “we’ve sent a strong enough message.”

Under terms of the state constitution, a group named Protect Oregon Driver Licenses had only 90 days to gather the 58,142 signatures needed to refer the issue to the ballot. They made it with both signatures and time to spare.

Enraged illegal aliens showed their true racist colors in a nasty Twitter attack after the measure’s defeat was called by national media:

Such wonderful additions to the “fabric of America” these illegals would make…if evil racist Whites would only give them a chance.

Remember that Oregon is about 2:1 Democrat in registrations.

Americans do not want amnesty or ANY benefits to illegals — Democrats AND Republicans.

Are you listening, Washington D.C.?
And then the entitlements start. And those that are here to actually work bring wages down, and take jobs from Americans. I am for immigration, legally. When has D.C. ever listened to the people?

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
And then the entitlements start. And those that are here to actually work bring wages down, and take jobs from Americans. I am for immigration, legally. When has D.C. ever listened to the people?
I am for legal immigration also. A few years ago I helped a hispanic get his legal citizenship. It took awhile and to this day he is a good friend and a hard worker. If you asked him today he would say "yes you can do it". He worked his way up to a management position at the fish company I do business with.


Active Member
I am for legal immigration also. A few years ago I helped a hispanic get his legal citizenship. It took awhile and to this day he is a good friend and a hard worker. If you asked him today he would say "yes you can do it". He worked his way up to a management position at the fish company I do business with.
And for that he as my respect and admiration. I was born here. But he put forth the effort to immigrate here. I once thought about immigrating to Australia, you have no idea of the requirements. He did it. I would welcome the man you describe into my home and call him friend.


Well-Known Member
Buck is trying to provoke us into calling names and getting banned. It seems that he is not held to the same standard of etiquette as we are.
the other day, you sponsored the act of literally murdering doctors if they perform abortions. before that, you said that nature did not "intend" for homosexuality to exist and called gays unnatural. before that, you joined a white supremacy group.

and you want to talk about your etiquette?