Not trying to be a smartass ...(I guess I don't have to try much ...

But ....
In the freezer ?
If I remember correctly ....
mj is a resinous plant ...
THC & the rest of cannabinoids,are inside the resin glands ...
If resin ( or the glands) gets cold ,it solidifies ...'Hardens'....
And resin glands 'drop-off' quite easily from the plant tissue ...
With the slightest movement/ agitation /shake...
(Isn't that a way to get hash ,also ? By treating with freezing cold water ? )
Is it just my imagination,or it is a really bad idea to put mj plant matter in the fridge ?
(except if you want to collect the resin glands ...Then, things change ..)
Furthermore ...
Some organic chemistry,now ...
Low temps will not enhance/speed up 'curing' ....
'Curing' aka decarboxylation is aided by
heat ...
No,it is also a bad idea to heat mj,in order to cure it faster ...just let it dry ..)
Organic acid +heat or drying up =alcohol +CO2
View attachment 3146857
" Heating is required because the reaction is less favorable at low temperatures "
( Greengenes,I'm sorry for the off-topic...)