Apache Tech


Active Member
i would say it could cover about twenty of these sites, 4 by 5 (as the light is rectangular in shape) with top dense results.


Well-Known Member
Do you find that 3 to 4 feet is a good height for vegging? and what height do you set it at in flowering? Thanks, trying to figure this light out on my first run with it.


Active Member
three feet would be a good start.
you can see the sweet spot in the pictures.
based on preference of the specific density you want, i would say you'll get premium quality buds about 2 feet above, but only cover 2 square feet.
i believe this puts out lots of usable PAR, about 700 at one and a half feet away from the plant canopy.
the PAR output is about 1000 umol's at a foot.
hmmmm lets see...

do u know the inverse square law? appearantly 700 umol is premium buds, and up... but im sure ppl get by with around 400 in small grows. even lower...
this light is definately meant to put as many as closer together as possible.
and is for sea of green.

6 of these for a thousand watts of power, sets u back 6000 but it would probably be very efficient grams per watt-wise.
easily can pull 5 to 8 ounces per light.


Well-Known Member
Thought I'd re-post the unboxing of my apache just in case anyone who stops by this thread wants a closer look at the unit. This is the AT120WR (3:2 ratio).



Active Member
so you got 6 rows of white and 4 of red, a (3:2 ratio)
the red and blue has 8 rows of red and 2 rows of blue, (a 4:1 ratio).


Can somebody answer me a q? on these Apache lights. I've been interested in them for a while due to the low consumption, but just wanted to clear something up. There's 120 leds on each panel, whichever model you buy, and they all seem to be pitched in at up to 180 watts max (though Mundaiis has his at 160). I was under the impression that these were 1 watt leds, and so in order for them to be hitting the 120 watt mark they'd need to be driven at 100%, with the fans presumably making up the other 60 (or 40) watts consumption (which would be a hell of a lot). This would be pretty bad wouldn't it? Killing off the LEDs prematurely.

Of course if they're 2 watt, it'd make a lot more sense, but the only dealers I've seen have stated they're 1 watt LEDs.



Well-Known Member
Can somebody answer me a q? on these Apache lights. I've been interested in them for a while due to the low consumption, but just wanted to clear something up. There's 120 leds on each panel, whichever model you buy, and they all seem to be pitched in at up to 180 watts max (though Mundaiis has his at 160). I was under the impression that these were 1 watt leds, and so in order for them to be hitting the 120 watt mark they'd need to be driven at 100%, with the fans presumably making up the other 60 (or 40) watts consumption (which would be a hell of a lot). This would be pretty bad wouldn't it? Killing off the LEDs prematurely.

Of course if they're 2 watt, it'd make a lot more sense, but the only dealers I've seen have stated they're 1 watt LEDs.

What's up SupaFreq? You are correct, they are 1w leds driven 100% and the rest of the power is used for fans and drivers. Take a look at the video of their unit being disassembled vs a different light for the difference in drivers being used. The guys at apache explained it to me like this: they drive their leds 100% to get the most efficiency and although they didn't say how they manage to retain the lifespan of the leds themselves from dying off prematurely from being driven at max capacity, they did said they have figured out how to properly cool the unit to make it a non issue...they worked hand in hand with some engineers from Nasa to design the unit and when a bunch of brainiacs get together to build something for use in space, well then I think you get a pretty unique product that must perform exceptionally well in various conditions. They've also said they have new products on the horizon (t5 led bar replacements, larger in size version of the AT120, and they've been testing 3w and 5w models but they haven't achieved desirable cooling effects with those yet as I'm sure they want to drive them at max too. Hope that helps some, I love my light so far and can't wait to see how it performs in bloom.


Active Member
1watter can be driven 100%, especially the new generation ones. Actually some, can even handle little more. it's a different story from the higher/hotter 3/5watters


Active Member
Apache tech states 2x2,

At the nasa test grow they have six of them covering 3.5 feet by 14 feet tables.

These lights are rectangular in shape.
so if the length covers 3.5 feet, 14 feet divided by 6 lights... equals... 2.33 feet.

Nasa grow dimentions of coverage area per light is 2.33'x3.5'.

here is the link to the grow. Its tomatoes!!!


Well-Known Member
Finally found some bud shots grown with an apache. If you can tolerate the rap song/video there are some really nice looking pics of buds mixed in there. Has me excited for the next couple weeks in my garden
