Apartment grow setup help and ideas w/ picS


Active Member
Ok so I just finished building My little grow cabinet that I got at Walmart for like 50 bucks. I got some pics for yall to see but it wont let me post them? But I need some ideas on how to setup my 150 hps light that I got from Amazon for about 49 dollars. I had to go buy a contstruction extension cord with the three wires stickin out on one end to connect my light, and It didnt come with a mount or anything So im not sure how im supposed to suspend it down from the top or back of my cabinet. Im only gonna grow like 2 to 3 plants (probably just 2 cuz of space and light), and since I dont know which are going to be males or females Im germinating about 7 seeds. Then Im going to get some peat moss pellets and keep them in there until they get bigger and I will just transplant the healthier ones into pots I guess. Any one have any Ideas or input on my grow? Oh and I'm also wanting to cover the entire cabinet with reflective mylar or some type of reflective material. Thnx ahead of time :)


Well-Known Member
I would take the light apart and make sure that the connection where you wired the cord is protected inside the light. Then you can drill a 1/4" hole in the top on each end and put an eye bolt in the hole to hang it from. As far as mylar go to the dollar store and buy a few rolls of plastic wrapping paper, it will have a pattern on one side and the back side will be shiny mylar. Or you can go to walmart and in the camping section the sell mylar emergency blankets. I would go with the wrapping paper because the blankets are folded into a small package and will have lots of fold lines once you put it up.


Active Member
cool cool, yea I took apart where the wires come out of the light and the wires run in there but IM not sure I would be able to drill a hole in the light cuz of the material and the tools i have :(


Well-Known Member
i used to have one of the same lights, it makes as much or not more heat than my 400 watt light.... so make sure you have good venting in that closet!


Well-Known Member
you already have the stuff to hang it with......it came with a mounting manifold and a little silver screw(you can see it's still attached in the pic...un screw that...it goes on last!.................un wire the lamp, drill a 3/4 inch hole in the top of your cabinet, stick the wires through the hole, and screw the mounting bracket (the round "thingy" thats the same color as your lamp....then screw the nut on it, reattach your wires....and plug it in....you will need a ventillation system cuz that little closet is gonna get hoT!!!! I'd suggest cutting a hole on the top of the cab, mount your fan so that it blows the hot air out....


Well-Known Member
you'll have to make some sort of shelving array to get your plants up to the light though....good luck!


Active Member
alright cool, Im going to screw it to a shelf, b/c it came with 3 shelves that im gonna leave out. I'm going to have the light suspended from the shelf, then on top of the shelf on the four corners ima have hooks that will be hooked up with chains hanging from the ceiling of my cabinet. I have a fan that i wanted to put in there as for the ventilation but im not sure IM going to have room for it. I'll have some pics up later when i finally get to go to the store for more supplies and get to finish my cabinet


Well-Known Member
if your going to use that lite have a fan blowing out pointing to the lite. and drill a few holes in the top to try vent some of the hot air.