Apartment Growing


Well-Known Member
Wish I would have taken the time to shop for it first.

Mine is due in anyday...but I woulda rather paid $12 as opposed to $22 for the timer. I know now though.

And I know the timing has to be right...or else I would do it relying on my absent mindedness to remeber to turn the lights on/off at the right time.

Wouldnt have worked.


Well-Known Member
Timers are definitely important. I use an Ebb & Flow system in my apartment grow. I am growing in a closet in my bedroom and I forgot to turn the pump on yesterday morning. I generally just let it run for 30 min in the morning while I get ready for work. I forgot, came home last night and they were just looking droopy as hell. Lost all vigor and flopped over. I ran the pump for thirty minutes while I smoked a blunt after work and BSed with my buddy, came back, shut it off, and bam, back to life.

It was a close call though, a timer is in my VERY near future for the pumps. I have it for the lights, but not the pumps and figured I would never forget. That's what I get for figuring.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Good to know that ^^^

Are we going get a few pix on that harvest today?

No i am going to get a batch of co2 cylinders hydrotested, this will most likely take most of the afternoon, i doubt i will get to the garden before 6 pm today, as a result they will have to go for 72 more hours. the rain yesterday really put me behind. and unless we start smoking some of the purple i way way over what i need to have on hand.


Well-Known Member
Gotcha....Just havent had any eye candy today. My mouth is getting dry. Need something to salivate over for the day.


fat sam

Well-Known Member
i got a tent and did it that way, the vent duct runs from the tent over across the living room to the kitchen where i put a t on the pipe that is on top of the stove hood so the air gets vented out the roof


Im new here and was just wandering if there r any low budget ways to control odor in a closet grow, the walls dividing the apts are thin should i even risk a grow
This has been a very informative thread, but the question that wasn't addressed was that of power consumption. I live in an apartment that doesn't charge for electricity/gas/water...which sounds good, but may be a pain. I'm going to be running a 600w mh/hps light for my first grow and am concerned about the power consumption. Any thoughts on this? Am I over-thinking it?

I'm using a 6" fan and carbon filter for a space with about 10 square feet, plus three in-line duct fans for cooling/venting. I'm not overly concerned with temps or smell, but am really worried about this power thing. Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


New Member
I seen somewere that if your worried about the heat and helicopters can see it with there thermal imaging cameras, put a pain of glass 2 inces above your roof, and cause the glass, well stays cool from the outside temps then thats what the helicopters will see !!! outdoor temps !! and something else to do with the glass !!

hope this helps,


New Member
found it read this ____ just change every thing from person to grow room !!!! and forget about the ghillie suit !!!!

One of the most effective tools for getting past camouflage is thermal imaging (TI). A warm body can be detected by the heat it gives off with thermal imaging equipment and provides a formidable challenge to someone wishing to avoid detection. Visually, the ghillie suit is one of the finest concealment tools, but a warm body inside one stands out clearly in an infrared scope. There is no absolutely certain way to defeat infrared, but there are some techniques that make detection more difficult.

Conceal yourself behind shards of glass. Glass is opaque to thermal imaging, but carrying around a pane of glass in the jungle is not terribly practical. In junk yards or urban settings, a broken window or shards of glass can break up the shape of a human body and make a person in a ghillie suit harder to detect.

*Opaque* = not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through.
not transmitting radiation, sound, HEAT, etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
This has been a very informative thread, but the question that wasn't addressed was that of power consumption. I live in an apartment that doesn't charge for electricity/gas/water...which sounds good, but may be a pain. I'm going to be running a 600w mh/hps light for my first grow and am concerned about the power consumption. Any thoughts on this? Am I over-thinking it?

I'm using a 6" fan and carbon filter for a space with about 10 square feet, plus three in-line duct fans for cooling/venting. I'm not overly concerned with temps or smell, but am really worried about this power thing. Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
I would definitely not run more than that 600 and AC might consume too much. I would rather choose an apartment where I had to pay for electricity. Kinda sketchy if you ask me.

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
I was wondering about power consumption but in a different context. For those who live in an apartment, how do you deal with the limited power apartments have. Do you try to find a circuits where you can run long extension cords or one so you can run a wired in sub panel? Most breakers are on 15 amps. I wanna run 1200-2000 watts with AC and CO2 in an 8x4 tent. So I have a AC that is peak 4.9 amps. Lumatek 600's are 5 amps at 120 volts. So right there you have 15 amps. Not to mention the inline fans for venting and odor control. Also I wanna do a simple coco pots/saucers with a 3/4" drip line. So an air pump and drip system pumps are needed. Anyways thanks guys.


This has been a very informative thread, but the question that wasn't addressed was that of power consumption. I live in an apartment that doesn't charge for electricity/gas/water...which sounds good, but may be a pain. I'm going to be running a 600w mh/hps light for my first grow and am concerned about the power consumption. Any thoughts on this? Am I over-thinking it?

I'm using a 6" fan and carbon filter for a space with about 10 square feet, plus three in-line duct fans for cooling/venting. I'm not overly concerned with temps or smell, but am really worried about this power thing. Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
Most larger apartment buildings have one power box for the entire building and not indiviual ones for each unit. If a building has 150 units that would mean 150 power boxes. Then someone would have to look over each one each month to see if someone is using a lot more power then the next door. The amount of time it would take to do this makes it unlikely. Not only that but there are hundreds of ways people could be using more power each month.

Believe me most big buildings have one power meter for the entire building. I wouldn't worry about it honestly. I would worry about noise, smell and light leaks before I worried about a 600W drawing power. A 600W draws as much as PC so you could just say you have 3 PCS that you run regularly...it's none of their business.


Well-Known Member
i grow in my appartment i also work from home so i dont really have that many worries im always here!!!! lol i have no life it would be a good idea to put a lock on my office tho just in case........as far as venting gosemy dresser actually works great the temps stay in the 80's witch is ok for me im pritty sure i can run a vent to the window if i had to.......one thing i have stopped doing is smoking on my balcony with friends i dont cough when i smoke i just dont feel the need to take the biggest monster hit possible and cough for ten mins last time its 2am and my boy is coughing like crazy security ran up like "you guys wouldent happen to be smoking any marijuana would yah" im on the third floor and he did not smell it im on a lake i just told him he was sick........but i learned my lesson stay inder the radar.........

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
I used to grow in an apartment. If your apartment has washer/dryer in unit, you can run your exhaust out the dryer vent. In my old apartment, the dryer vent let out high up above ground level, so i could run a tube from my tent, run it out the dryer vent, and there were no smell issues. I had a carbon filter, so it was fine without venting outside for a little while, but pretty soon, it would stink. If you hook it up for a few hours a day, you know you have fresh air, and the smell blows away in the wind, way up high.
Thanks for the apartment advice guys! I'm actually up and going with flowering and doing well so far. The noise is minimal, and the wall between my neighbor and I is concrete, so that helps. Smell should be ok, but we'll see as the process progresses. I'm in the market for a house and I'm sure that will take care of most of my concerns. Thanks again for the words of wisdom.