Apex fucking LEGENDS

Ha ha. To be fair, unless am playing with my friends, I usually just mute the other players at the beginning of the game. Ping system is doing its job and I don't have to listen to the shouting kids and people swearing at my mom :D

I only played it a little bit when it first came out and got a win. I tried the other day.. People actually know how to play now and it's too hard. I play blackout and its too easy now. All the good players went to apex and back to forknite
Just got done playing, Apex shits garbage, i die by death ring, no enemy killed me
Get on my team. I'll help you. I never die by ring since I'm a Pathfinder main I'm always ahead of the zone. Msg me your gamertag. I also play For Honor, gta, monster Hunter, rainbow six, and left 4 dead 2