Apocalyptic Blueberry


Well-Known Member
so guys, are we all on the same diagnose? I have this type of pH meter View attachment 2488511and it's indicating all the time between 7 and 8 even if I'm inserting it into soil or water with pH of 6.2... I think it's full of bullshit. So I don't know what's my pH... Question is does my leaves look like there is a pH problem? or something else? I'll try to find another pH meter which most likely will cost me between 50-100 euro :-( . I had a soil pH tester with some plastic bottle and I was putting some juice in it and it was supposed to chance color, but that was crap as well, so don't know what to do. Does it look like a pH problem? or is it some Ca/Mg deficit or something else? Please advice
Hey perk, cant you get a liquid drop ph test kit? You could use it to check ph of your run off.


Well-Known Member
im gonna go ahead and put my 2¢ in.

7.5 on the PH scale isnt really that bad. if you read up on how the PH scale works 7.5 is really no more acidic than a PH of 7, as 6.5 is not much more alakaline than a PH of 7. the lower/higher you go the more and more the scale changes.

so say you have a PH of 3.4 and a PH of 3.3 the 3.2 solution is going to be far far more alkaline than the 3.4 but if you have a 7.0 (neutral) and 6.9 there really is hardly any alkalinity change.

i doubt 7.5 is killing your plants. I would like to stick with my original diagnosis and say its probabally a slight burn.

View attachment 2489660


Well-Known Member
if you can get your soil down to around 6.5-7 is then that will clear up any "lockout" issues you may have but at 7.5 your only locking out 2 trace elements.

View attachment 2489661View attachment 2489662

now im not saying its not a deficiency but with BB being so nutrient sensitive i would be really carefull adding shit to try and correct the problem as you may just create a whole new problem.


Well-Known Member
ok so going by these charts its saying a PH of 7.5 will lock out Mn and Fe which is maganese (not Mg which is Magnesium) and Fe (Iron)

im not sure if epsom salts contains maganese or magnesium but while they sound the same they are 2 seperate elements.


just trying to furnish you some information to help you sort it out but if it were my plant i wouldnt sweat it.

also if you look at the chart above it dosent appear to look simialr to either Fe or Mn deficiency.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the replies people! No other new problems since yesterday, she is growing and developing well. Don't think I will do anything at the moment. Ninja's idea it's excellent, I'll try this for a chance to find what pH I am but as Matt is saying, don't think the pH is the problem here...we'll wait and see. Thank you guys for all the help and good vibes!


Well-Known Member
if things start to get worse then you will def need to think about doing something but like i said before i dont think i have grown a single plant yet that hasnt gotten some kind of discoloration on a leaf(s)


Well-Known Member
Day 32 from seed for the first one and 25 from seed for the second one. No new problems, just the above mentioned. Otherwise they are developing well. Couple of days more and I'll switch them into flowering mode. I think Thursday or Sunday.


Well-Known Member
Day 33 and 34 for the 1st one and 25 and 26 for the second one, uneventful, they are going great, no new issues. I'll do some pics today later on
looks good so far man but if i was you i would transplant that plant when it is biger. in to some happy frog soil or the foxfarm ocean forest because miracle grow can leave behind a nasty taste when harvest any ways i used the foxfarm soil with age old grow and age old bloom is my grow and they are looking dank check it out. Picture 085.jpg

o yeah and what also helps is molasses helps the taste and it is really good for the plant i use it the hole grow cycle with great results


Well-Known Member
looks good so far man but if i was you i would transplant that plant when it is biger. in to some happy frog soil or the foxfarm ocean forest because miracle grow can leave behind a nasty taste when harvest any ways i used the foxfarm soil with age old grow and age old bloom is my grow and they are looking dank check it out. View attachment 2493555

o yeah and what also helps is molasses helps the taste and it is really good for the plant i use it the hole grow cycle with great results

Do you understand the purpose of adding molasses?


New Member
Check me out Perk! I went ahead with some LST on a couple of the seedlings! Took all the fan leaves off on the side that I tied down.
Anxious to see what occurs tho, given that I cut a few fan leaves at such a young age.

I've been following this thread regarding fan leaves debating whteher ofr not if they're energy producers and light blockers!
I'm not convinced one way or the other just yet, so I'm experimenting haha!

Good luck bro. My seedlings should be a week or so behind yours I think :joint:


Well-Known Member
molasses dosent provide any food for the plant, it provides sugars and carbs for benificial microbes in the soil. who in turn break down organic matter into usable plant food. in a scientific view theoretically it shouldnt alter the taste, size or potency of any plant.


Well-Known Member
molasses dosent provide any food for the plant, it provides sugars and carbs for benificial microbes in the soil. who in turn break down organic matter into usable plant food. in a scientific view theoretically it shouldnt alter the taste, size or potency of any plant.
Thank you matt


New Member
molasses dosent provide any food for the plant, it provides sugars and carbs for benificial microbes in the soil. who in turn break down organic matter into usable plant food. in a scientific view theoretically it shouldnt alter the taste, size or potency of any plant.
Although it's said that supplementing the soil ecosystem w/ Molasses has helped many a grower produce rock hard buds..
The molasses provides food to help the microbes multiply in teas for sure. Pouring the teas over the soil adds life to the soil, which means more food for the plant afterall.
A soil with more bacteria and fungi can feed the plants more efficiently.. So adding it to the garden serves a purpose..This based on what I've learned so far...
Who knows what I might come across tomorrow..

I'll finish saying that if your using any chemicals in your routine, it's pretty much pointless using molasses...
Those chemicals kill off the very bennies which we attempt to multiply with molasses!
In a good soil it seems to make a splash!

2cents about molasses Mr. Perk and lasses and lads :joint:


Well-Known Member
Although it's said that supplementing the soil ecosystem w/ Molasses has helped many a grower produce rock hard buds..
The molasses provides food to help the microbes multiply in teas for sure. Pouring the teas over the soil adds life to the soil, which means more food for the plant afterall.
A soil with more bacteria and fungi can feed the plants more efficiently.. So adding it to the garden serves a purpose..This based on what I've learned so far...
Who knows what I might come across tomorrow..

I'll finish saying that if your using any chemicals in your routine, it's pretty much pointless using molasses...
Those chemicals kill off the very bennies which we attempt to multiply with molasses!
In a good soil it seems to make a splash!

2cents about molasses Mr. Perk and lasses and lads :joint:
yeah, and not meaning to come off thw wrong way either but molasses in non orangic grows can actually do more harm then good if your using it every week.