Apollo 10 in 36x36 Secret Jardin DRT90 Tent


Well-Known Member
Bought 10 blueberry seeds from Vancouver Seedbank and planted them 4/20. 6/10 I switched from Veg 24/0 to Flower 12/12
Utilizing a Apollo 10 Cidly grow light. Wanted an affordable light and didn't want to go the HPS route for safety, as i often find myself position where the plants have to go three nights unattended.

Here is how i have the inside of the tent rigged

Here is a photo from above the lights looking down.


Here is how the plants look after a week in flower.


If there is any interest i'll keep the journal updated. Think one of the nine plants is a female, and it's one of my more healthy plants and it's going to be a shame to transplant outside


Well-Known Member
Second week into 12/12 2 plants turned out to be male, and were removed from the tent.

Debating wether to buy more seeds and start 2nd's grow veg or take to take cuttings and try cloning...