Apollo, Hydrofarm, iPower, Virtual Sun.....HPS opinions anyone?


I'm thinking about ordering a HPS grow light on amazon. The problem is that I have no idea which one to order. And what is the difference between magnetic ballast and digital ballast?


Well-Known Member
i dont have any of those, but i have heard a lot of good about apollo, hydrofarm and ipower seem to be 50/50. If you dont care about a constant buzz, get a magnetic ballast and itll work for 5+ years. If you get a digital, itll quieter and most have a dimming feature. If you get a digital though, pay a little extra and get one with a RF shield built in (search on here if you dont know what RF interference).


I have a 400 watt ipower and it works great. The entire package was about 125.00 came with everything include both HPS and MH bulbs. The digital ballast has a very long cord so it can be out of the area and also has a built in fan so it doesn't run hot at all. Mine has worked great.


Well-Known Member
Make sure whoever you buy a digital ballast offers a warranty, some give them for up to 2-5 years. I know the Apollos I have came with a decent warranty.


Well-Known Member
i have 3 digital and one magnetic. the most noticeable difference is the size and weight. a magnetic ballast is big and heavy. i just bought a 1000 watt magnetic convertible on amazon for less than 200 bucks this summer. i think magnetic will outlive a digital because you can refurb the parts. they get hotter than digital but i run a small fan on all my ballasts.

i'm not sure it really matters! grab the best one you can find in your budget.
I use Galaxy Ballasts currently and they come with warranty and some of the models have the select-a-watt which can let you dial down your bulbs intensity . I have used magnetic in the past .. they work perfect as others have stated but are super heavy compared to all these new digi ones!


Well-Known Member
I upgraded my 400w with an Apollo 600w with adjustable output, a cool tube, hangers, a timer, and two hps bulbs off ebay--mega low mart--for $141. It has mixed reviews, but it's been working fine for about a month.
magnetic will cost you more in electric bills over a digital, they both are easy to fix if broken if you understand electronics. most common problem with any electric (ballast, computers, tv's, monitors, frigs, freezers ecet ect) is the transformer and or capacitors go out. Ive had the same 400 watt ebay kit for 3 years now and it doesnt make any noise and has never failed, and it only added around 15 bucks to my power bill, my main gaming computer cost more monthly then my whole grow op.


Well-Known Member
Another Apollo 600 owner here! 3yr warranty on the ballast and 1 yr on the hps bulb I believe! So far so good! Not bad for $125 IMO


Well-Known Member
looks good to me man.. pretty damn good deal too imo, I just hope it holds up for ya. Not sayin it won't tho (I've been runnin the same no name chinese 400w for bout 2 yrs now with no issues)! Can't wait to see it in action bro!
I ended up ordering a Thunder ballast system. (Here is the link)

Anybody else using Thunder ballasts?
Did you get the cool tube or AC hood? When you get it make sure you go onto thunderhort.com you have to register for the 5 year warranty and if you dont register within the first year after purchase you can't register anymore they haven't officially launched thunderhort.com yet so I can't register mine yet, but there's a card that came in the package telling me all the info i just posted. Also, the ballast has 4 settings 50% 75% 100% and super lumens I don't know what super lumens is and haven't given it a try yet, but I don't know if that results in more lumens than a regular 600w, something to look into.

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
I'm running an apollo 400 and it's been working great-found an apollo cool tube for ~$40 and now I'm even happier! They have a great product far as I'm concerned...my babies are very big using their package system-I started with a wing before I knew about cooled hoods-still worked awesome and I HAVE used all three settings! It's awesome