Apparently Suddenly Clueless

I'll have to try that
You know the thread but it's a good read for this.

You don't need that high temps when using LED. Lower temps (lower transpiration to be precise) can be compensated with higher EC. You have to test what works for your set up but 2,5 mS/cm is not unreasonable.
This is interesting. This is a new prob for me, I have been growing for 7-8 years and have never run into this. I literally replaced everything (except the light but thats only a year old) I will try to raise the ec to see if this works. I appreciate all your help and guidance. Thank you. Also I am using RO as tap where I live is no bueno.
You know the thread but it's a good read for this.

Iv'e read this, I've always only grown with LED. Never ever had an issue until recently. 4 bad plants out prob 80 ain't bad i'd say.