apple cider vinegar


Active Member
hey all,

so i've been using apple cider vinegar to pH down generally in my regime, which includes weekly administration of BMO's SPT...
but now i'm wondering if the use of vinegar is actually counterproductive when used with SPT in that it might be killing-off the beneficial microbes...?

any ideas about the effect apple cider vinegar might have on SPT's micro-beasties anyone?

many thanks!



Well-Known Member
I used it for my current grow. Worked wonderfully.

I doubt it would do any harm. It's too diluted.


I had this exact same question so I decided to ask the BMO guys themselves on ebay. Heres what they wrote back:

Yes, all of our liquid fertilizers and tonics, can be mixed directly with unchlorinated water, then applied. Aerating the mix is not necessary. Yes, pH adjustments can be made with standard pH adjusters, apple cider vinegar, or citric acid.
The optimal pH range for use is between 5.2 and 7 with our products. Thank You.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
excellent and reassuring.
many thanks, all!

The Garret Juice is a proven fact. The razor edge is, now, Zeolite, Alfalfa, & Aloe Vera. In 10 years, it will be a regular stable, but your Babies shouldn't have to suffer via our ignorance. After you do the home work, the ask questions. Yes?