Approaching a Physician (Q, not A)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how, for those of you whom have been prescribed medical cannabis, you approached your physician. I suffer from macular degeneration and optic atrophy (documented and being billed heavily) and with these I suffer from incapacitating migraines due to a lack of light to the affected eye (it tries too hard to compensate). I would like to be prescribed cannabis as it aleves me of these migraines, but I don't know how to approach a doctor and ask for this as opposed to vicodin or some other opiate that they like to through at pain patients. I am a younger person (20's) and would not like to be taken as the pothead looking for a way out. I am currently a California resident. Thanks for any and all help.


Well-Known Member
you seem pretty sick, im sure a doc will give you a card, but if i were you i would try and approach this in a humble way, i wouldnt be saying i REALLY need this card you know...


Uses the Rollitup profile
Sorry to hear about your condition. As for getting a recommendation, you are the patient, and you can self-medicate with cannabis, and all you have to do is tell your physician that it benefits you. Then ask him if he will give you his recommendation. If he won't, it's easy to find one that is compassionate enough to listen to you, and issue you one.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
there are dr.s that only work with prescribing marijuana. contact one of them and take them a copy of you medical records. that's it.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how, for those of you whom have been prescribed medical cannabis, you approached your physician. I suffer from macular degeneration and optic atrophy (documented and being billed heavily) and with these I suffer from incapacitating migraines due to a lack of light to the affected eye (it tries too hard to compensate). I would like to be prescribed cannabis as it aleves me of these migraines, but I don't know how to approach a doctor and ask for this as opposed to vicodin or some other opiate that they like to through at pain patients. I am a younger person (20's) and would not like to be taken as the pothead looking for a way out. I am currently a California resident. Thanks for any and all help.
Throw in that you are worried about potential addiction with regular use of opiates.


Active Member
go see a physician who specializes in recommending cannabis.
norml has a list of physicians by state on their website.

bring in your med history or prescription bottles.


Active Member
go see a physician who specializes in recommending cannabis.
norml has a list of physicians by state on their website.

bring in your med history or prescription bottles.

Agreed go see your physician- describe your ailments to them. Then bring any prescrips or recommendations from them to a doctor who will prescribe a therapeutic marijuana recommendation. Usually a $130.00 cash visit...They give you a referral, then you find a club- check laws in your county- try


New Member
What about Canada? I guess I should write to them and ask.
It is a set amount $130.00 or is this like bribe money. I know it sounds like a stupid question but the way you said 'cash visit' makes it sound like nit's all under the table (hush hush)
I am desperately trying to find a doctor in ontario that will prescribe for me. I am not sure the specialist I have been referred to is open minded to this.
Should I write to norml canada? I wrote to and they basically told me that it would be easier for me to lie about another illness than try and get it for the one I have. :confused:
It wasn't the response I expected.:-|.
Agreed go see your physician- describe your ailments to them. Then bring any prescrips or recommendations from them to a doctor who will prescribe a therapeutic marijuana recommendation. Usually a $130.00 cash visit...They give you a referral, then you find a club- check laws in your county- try


Active Member
It always is a little illegal still here in the states since Federal law says it's illegal, which is supposed to supercede state law- which is why the DEA raids on the occasion- because they can

So this sort of thing is subject to being pulled and records being traced- so on and so forth- so while it's legal in some states it's still not necessarily legal- follow? the less the paper trail with credit and so on - the payment is almost the fee for a standard doctor visit- but obviously health insurance isn't accepted-

This is also why it's still unnerving for patients, because you still feel like a criminal in some aspect - but work with what we got and make sure that the system is a role model and succeeds so we can use it as an example to spread the need to the rest of the country-----


Well-Known Member
It always is a little illegal still here in the states since Federal law says it's illegal, which is supposed to supercede state law- which is why the DEA raids on the occasion- because they can

So this sort of thing is subject to being pulled and records being traced- so on and so forth- so while it's legal in some states it's still not necessarily legal- follow? the less the paper trail with credit and so on - the payment is almost the fee for a standard doctor visit- but obviously health insurance isn't accepted-

This is also why it's still unnerving for patients, because you still feel like a criminal in some aspect - but work with what we got and make sure that the system is a role model and succeeds so we can use it as an example to spread the need to the rest of the country-----
Well said my friend


New Member
The states even has a site that has a list of all the doctors that are willing to sign papers.
I hope canada gets a list like that soon. :peace:
there are dr.s that only work with prescribing marijuana. contact one of them and take them a copy of you medical records. that's it.