
Not my internet crush but a person, with feelings.

There are many people here that I don't agree with or like that much but it's polite to keep those opinions to yourself.

You should try it man, people might change their mind about you and stop following you from thread to thread, calling you on your twatish behavior.

Frankly I don't care what people on the internet think of me. I have real-life friends. Sorry but if I disagree with something I'm gonna say it.

Between you and I, YOU are the only person calling names and acting like you're so much better. I get along great with many many people on here. I have no clue who you are and have no grudge with you. The 3-4 people I tell they suck deserve it and you have no idea the history between any of us.

In all honesty it kinda seems like you're the angry one.

I'm a person with feelings also and you sir, have decimated them.:neutral:
Frankly I don't care what people on the internet think of me. I have real-life friends. Sorry but if I disagree with something I'm gonna say it.

Between you and I, YOU are the only person calling names and acting like you're so much better. I get along great with many many people on here. I have no clue who you are and have no grudge with you. The 3-4 people I tell they suck deserve it and you have no idea the history between any of us.

In all honesty it kinda seems like you're the angry one.

I'm a person with feelings also and you sir, have decimated them.:neutral:

Ah, the old switcheroo. Good move man. Ok truce.

I realise you don't know me from Adam but was trying to get you to think about the shit that was coming out your mouth. I called you on it because you posted twice in quick succession about your dislike of different members. Lots of people do it, doesn't make it ok.

Sorry I'm just in a mood. Didn't mean to decimate you.
I like pickles too. I like them whole, uncut. Happy birthday April, I keep trying to rep you back but it always gives me the"to much rep" bullshit message.
Ah, the old switcheroo. Good move man. Ok truce.

I realise you don't know me from Adam but was trying to get you to think about the shit that was coming out your mouth. I called you on it because you posted twice in quick succession about your dislike of different members. Lots of people do it, doesn't make it ok.

Sorry I'm just in a mood. Didn't mean to decimate you.

Honestly...... You're totally right man. In a mood myself. Apologies.

I'm gonna try the "if you don't have something nice....." approach. Easy to forget there ARE real people on the other end of these screen names.

NOW let's get back to April and this pickle debacle.

Wondering if anyone can recommend a good pickle brand/model? There are so many models of pickles such as the dill, the kosher, the sweet, the bread n butter. Brands as well. Many times my wife will buy a jar of pickles and I really dislike them after trying one. OTHER times the pickles are amazing and I could eat a jarful. I guess I never think to look at what kind they are until I am back eating a sub par jar.
Honestly...... You're totally right man. In a mood myself. Apologies.

I'm gonna try the "if you don't have something nice....." approach. Easy to forget there ARE real people on the other end of these screen names.

NOW let's get back to April and this pickle debacle.

Wondering if anyone can recommend a good pickle brand/model? There are so many models of pickles such as the dill, the kosher, the sweet, the bread n butter. Brands as well. Many times my wife will buy a jar of pickles and I really dislike them after trying one. OTHER times the pickles are amazing and I could eat a jarful. I guess I never think to look at what kind they are until I am back eating a sub par jar.

Claussen Kosher dills are the bomb Claussen-Pickles-32oz-Jar.jpg