Aptus Holland

Jah Leon

and don't believe everything you hear when it comes to nutrients

Currently I am using Aptus nutrients, they are great products. Its a pity that they have not reached to the states as yet. I thought at first, the same thing as you but the proof is in the bottle. They really live up to their motto "Only the best is good enough".

My experience with other products been good as well. Prior I used various products before them ranging from Advance to Canna but Aptus gives better results. The only one close was the advanced brand but still Aptus give better results in my opinion. There a few nutrients over in the U.S. that might be interesting to try against them to see who performs better but my money is on Aptus. I have seen to many growers give it one chance and convert.

Wish they made a base N-P-K formula instead of just boosters and additives but what ever base so far Aptus advances it. Seen canna vega with Aptus make stunning shark shock plants and Hypro with Aptus make extremely nice resinous flowers with plants that basically respond to the light like outdoor.

Here is their site. Hope they reach to the U.S. soon so my buddies can try it out

Don;t take my word for it. Try it and tell your experience. My experience is Aptus is for me.