still kinda confused but thanks
flood and drain im still dont get all the way?
thanks u have any more pics?
OK, look at it this way.....With a normal home aquarium you have the tank and a water filter......The fish and the uneaten food "pollute" the water so the fish die off.....It has to be cleaned - right?
In aquaponics the tank water is pumped to the plants in a media and that IS the filter.......Get it now....
I have seen some interesting things converted to aquaponics using Tilapia or another "chitlid" type fish.....Duckweed is grown with the fish as their food for the most part and in a sense you have a "true" closed system that feeds it's self all the way around.....Swimming pools and ground tank systems....The swimming pool was an old set of 3 community pools that had been closed down and bought by an enterprising local who promptly turned it into a wonderful working aqua farm! Veggies of all sorts including corn, maters, squash, leaf crops, you name it he ran it (Tubers in a media with water pumped through..) His fish were Tilapia and gills w/some big ass Pleco's for P control, that were supplement feed by "insect zappers" strung over the pools entire areas......The insects added needed micro/macro nutrition and he used Duckweed and other aquatic plants as normal fish food supply......Talked to him just the other day and he has added some Bullheads to try out for Catfish meat he likes...
The system is designed and run by the guy on his own....It is one of the best "running" systems I have ever seen! It is completely effective and his yields are impressive for all plants for consumption go.....The Canna plants are run outside with another pump to media and return section......A lot of the plants are simply suspended in the shallow ends of the pools by underwater screen tables.....The water is circulated with in the closed pool systems for effective transfer. He converted the community building on the property to his home and has the most impressive self sustained lifestyle!......I think he was in Mother earth News once....Not sure.....
In Africa I have seen this being employed on small scales.....As far as feeding the community. Good drinking water is at a premium and the use of it for aquaponics is not going to be viable for that for a while...