

New Member
AQUAPONICS- The combination of aquaculter and hydroponics!!

For most people when they here the word AQUAPONICS they think of growing fruits and veggies in sync with edible fish via recycling wastwater from fish, But for me i herd a new way to grow my med. I have 60 gold nile tilapia in a 100 gallon tank and 4x4 grow bed above it i usually grow 2 sexy ladies that give me close to a pound about every 2 months under a 1k watt light. but am seriously thinking about swtching to an LED. i feed my fish organic fish food that i grow my self, i get to eat fat tilapia all the time and best of all everything is 100% organic and i only top off my tank about 1 every 2 months so not alot of water loss there.. Another plus, when i water my soil plants i use my fish water thats full of nutrients..Any questions just holler at me!


New Member
image.jpg My media bed on top of my sump tank with my tilapia... Just harvested but got a few seed In there, no fryable tilapia today mayb tomarow!