thanks guys. this project, growing plants and fish together is all over the net and is actually known as aquaponics for those that didnt know. i just dont know of anyone ever doing it with weed.
im afraid im not going to be able to feed enough. i dont want to hurt my fish. the plants were growing but the nodes were not very tight. the roots were looking great. unfortunately because of the stretching and slower i put them in soil. i took a better soil plant, dipped it in a dilute h2o2 mix, a flushing solution mix, water, then RO water to get rid of most of the chlorine from the tap. i dont have an ro filter system yet. i buy it by the gallon for the fish. i just use tap for my regular plants with great success i might add(check my other posts).
here is what is going on now. seems to like chillin in the roots at times. there still is a bit of peat on them from the soil but i didnt want to stress it too much for the transplant. the fish dont seem to mind. im no fish expert but i think hes normal and healthy. my nitrate and ammonia levels are a bit high though. i've been foliar feeding a little as well. water temps have been about 76-78 on average. the room its in is actually cold like 65-70F. for heating i just keep the tank near the exhaust vent for my 1/10 hp chiller which i use to cool recirculating water for a co2 generator in my regular garden.
i actually have a 30 gallon tank but dont have time atm to set it up at all. mr friend is supposed to get it all going. we might make a custom top for it for bigger plants and more fish. this way we can regulate everything much better like the water temp and add a more efficient filtration system. my problem im thinking of now though is i dont like foliar feeding, can you really do that on buds without fucking them up? im used to it getting everything from the roots. im thinking of 12/12ing the girl in about a week or so depending on how she looks.