Aquarium Circulation Pump


Hello everyone. I was flipping through my most recent Doctors Foster and Smith aquarium magazine today and thought of an idea and wanted to get others input. Would an aquarium circulation pump be more efficient at providing oxygen than air stones? Fish and plants need oxygen and it looks like the circulation pumps do a better job at providing enough oxygen and less noisy and use less wattage than an air stone and pump. Someone else may of already started a thread about this. If so, please direct me to that thread.
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Well-Known Member
I use a propeller power head to circulate my rez's. I have airline run through the back so that the pump sucks some air in as well. Works like a hot damn.


I'm curious as well. Wouldn't it also do a better job circulating the water.
I think it would probably be better than air stones but I haven't tried it. I thought I'd ask hoping someone had already tried it. If I ever try it I will share my results. I recently switched from air stones to Air Injection Technology and use the 9" spider AIT, of which so far has worked really well compared to air stones.


Nice I'm currently using soil but am doing my homework for a new set up.
I haven't grown in soil for a while now. The guy who makes the Air Injection Technology also make something similar for dirt. It looks really cool but I haven't used it. I think I might try it out though just to test it to see how it does.


Well-Known Member
they make flexible micropore hoses,available at any chain pet a few of those,some "t" fittings for aquarium tubes,and
some weights and build your own cheap..
i use a 571gph air pump and 4in long x 2in diameter air stones in my 4 bucket rdwc and its like a hot tub in each bucket..the roots grow visibly every couple hours...


Well-Known Member
It's the surface that gets aerated, whether you use aqua or air pump differs per setup. In small buckets an air stone may work better, but if you have plenty of movement and circulation from an aqua pump it'll do.

Ideally, with 4kg of roots per square meter you need to refresh the root zone with 100 liter water per hour, which should contain 8 mg oxygen per liter.