AR-15 stands for assault rifle 15

Hey Rolli, if this post is soooo bad you slowed me down for it, why didn’t you delete it?

Do you ever wonder why there is so much less traffic here than there was 5-10 years ago? Why do most of the Toke and Talk regulars spend so much less time here?

Holy shit, you're 50 years old?? :roll:

Just start another thread to complain about your neighbor's dog shitting in your yard, and then say that people are leaving this site.

Figure it out, Man ...

it's YOU! :lol:

After you're gone, people will come back. :bigjoint:

Hey Rolli, if this post is soooo bad you slowed me down for it, why didn’t you delete it?

Do you ever wonder why there is so much less traffic here than there was 5-10 years ago? Why do most of the Toke and Talk regulars spend so much less time here?

Aye bitch, maybe you just fucking suck and people don't want to talk to you.
Remember when Ronald Reagan uttered the words that there was "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons"?

Kind of funny, eh? It needs some context to understand his motivations. The year was 1967 and Ronnie was governor of California. Due to massive police brutality, members of the Black Panthers had taken to armed patrols in Oakland - they called it "Cop Watches."

Makes more sense now doesn't it?
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I saw you and @cannabineer were talking about..I recommend the below.

Dopesick explains how the soon-to-be-dissolved company Purdue Pharma mislabelled the powerful painkiller Oxycontin claiming it was not likely to be abused, with the company's sales team claiming "less than one percent" of users would become addicted.
I heard a drug saleswomen say that exact thing as I was being prescribed 60 mg x2 a day and 15 mg breakthroughs 4x a day 15 years ago in my dr. Office :(.
Technically, most police are civilians although they seem to like to employ the term as a sort of pejorative as if they are something more than hirelings
I'd be interested to know how many times an AR15 was actually used by a "civilian" for self-defense vs. a handgun
I would imagine it is a very small percentage. I think most buy them for protection from the zombie apocalypse and they look cool :o! I bet most have no clue about the ballistics but it looks cool expessially with a bikini camo clad girl fondling it :(.
The 5.56 bullet is fully jacketed and designed to wound not kill, the premise being it takes two more soldiers to carry the wounded one out. If it makes the general populous feel safer to simply ban AR style rifles then we should ban them or at least require that newly manufactured ARs have fixed 10 round magazines. It won't amount to much of anything unless we address the reasons why so many people wake up in the morning planning on shooting up a school or supermarket. How do you even start to identify mental illness never mind when it's an 18 year old psychopath/sociopath your looking at and what do you do then? The Buffalo Supermarket shooter had a hx of mental illness and I'm betting without support that the majority of mass murderers have a known hx of mental health issues. Here in Massachusetts if you want to buy a firearm you have the be vetted by the state police, FBI but it's the local police department who ultimately decides if your a "suitable" individual. The problem with the local police deciding suitability is reminiscent of the Jim Crow era. One more place for racism to creep in. I'm all for reducing the number of firearm deaths but you can't have my guns because they were lost overboard while fishing. 32% of our population own firearms but only 50% of us vote so things are fucked up for sure. Legitimate gun owners fear the domino effect where giving up the right to own a Mini 14 will lead to giving up all their gun rights.The magazine capacity here tops out at 10 but with a bit of practice you can slap in a fresh mag in a couple of seconds max. There's your 30 rounds and its out of a handgun in less than 30 seconds. The scotus will NEVER constitutionally shoot down 2A so what can we realistically do. The problem is much bigger than black rifles with a bayonet lug, flash suppressor or pistol grip so what do we do? My gun owning friends are as heart broken as anyone over the deaths of these kids but demonizing them you want help. Win them over to your side with logic and good sense and maybe in a couplafew generations things will change
stupid fucking dozens of fourth graders, dying from bullets meant to simply wound. stupid dumbass kids. you should grief counsel their parents
Of 20 states that allow districts to train and arm their teachers, not one of these districts I'm aware of has had a mass/active shooter situation since.

Rifles account for 3% of all shootings and the Armalite Rifle - 15 is only a fraction of that.

Trolling rarely cares about facts but I thought I would throw some out.
Of 20 states that allow districts to train and arm their teachers, not one of these districts I'm aware of has had a mass/active shooter situation since.

Rifles account for 3% of all shootings and the Armalite Rifle - 15 is only a fraction of that.

Trolling rarely cares about facts but I thought I would throw some out.
Does this mean any radicalized idiot who thinks they are cool and turns 18 should be able to go out buy them and it not be a issue until they actually start opening fire decapitating small children with them?

And why would you think that your statistic (if it is even real and not just internet feels) actually means anything?
Does this mean any radicalized idiot who thinks they are cool and turns 18 should be able to go out buy them and it not be a issue until they actually start opening fire decapitating small children with them?

And why would you think that your statistic (if it is even real and not just internet feels) actually means anything?
Generally I tend toward solutions that work.

I'm not sure most are aware of how much of a gun culture the US really is. There are 70x more legally owned, registered guns here in the hands of citizens than all US police and military forces combined.

Almost 3x more than the entire world's forces combined.
Does this mean any radicalized idiot who thinks they are cool and turns 18 should be able to go out buy them and it not be a issue until they actually start opening fire decapitating small children with them?

And why would you think that your statistic (if it is even real and not just internet feels) actually means anything?
Also, why do we need to redefine everything lately? I like the legal definition of "assault" the way it is. Are you cool with changing that to something other than offensive attack?