Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

Can't wait for your Arduino's hardware schema/howto ! I really want to build my own controller.
Coolest project on earth ! :clap:

Could a similar system be made with the raspberry or other PC monitor multiple ones of these and email alerts?
Could a similar system be made with the raspberry or other PC monitor multiple ones of these and email alerts?

Right now it's made to update the database in separate tables; 'yieldbuddy-0' 'yieldbuddy-1' 'yieldbuddy-2' etc... (ie. for three yieldbuddy's) Nothing has been made to monitor all 'three' on one page, but you could generate graphs from the database comparing values from all 'three'. Also, each has it's own web interface, so you could just login to each one separately. As for the email alerts, you can create an email filter and put the alerts from each separate one in their own folder - that way you'd know right away which one the alert was coming from.
Could a similar system be made with the raspberry or other PC monitor multiple ones of these and email alerts?

definately yes ;)

actually .. I stuffed openssl in it (https connection) and I can keep tabs with my mobile <_<

some info in my grow journal (small screenie too)
Sorry if this isn't the right place but have you heard about UDOO, a new kickstarter project.
Interresting : it's an raspberry/arduino fusion, looks pretty cool, even more for my future home made controller :)

My apologies if this has been covered, but what sensor would work best for measuring the amount of co2 in a given space?
BTW AN, nice project you got goin here.

Not sure if you know this or not but the Arduino mega, duo, & decimillia will run at 3.3v when you apply 5v power using the barrel connector.
If the 5V electronics connected to the arduino play nice at 3.3v there's no need for a level converter circuit between the arduino and the pi.
Only probs I've run into doiing this was LCD's dont like 3.3v operation.
Alot of sensors & relays work well at 3.3v but I had a few sensors I had to feed 5v to, their output to the arduino is 5V but the nice thing is the arduinos pins are still 5V tolerant.
The other thing is you must disconnect the 3.3v comms to the pi before you plug in a usb cable to the arduino or you can just simply modify a usb cable by cutting the red wire so the only supply voltage to the arduino is through the barrel connector otherwise you risk damaging the uart on the pi because the arduino will be running at 5v.
I thought I was the only one working on something like this! Very cool. I'm designing a coco coir grow using General Organics line of nutrients. Due to time constraints from the many jobs I have, I needed something that would automate a great deal of growing. I'm still in the code development, but its coming along at a very fast pace. Once you get an RTC added, its very easy to use to trigger readings, count days, and to know exactly what area of the cycle you are at. I checked out your yieldbuddy site and I am envious of the web integration. I have a Raspberry Pi was well, but I think its going to take me a while to work on that. For the time being I'm just going to keep the Garduino plugged into a windows machine via USB and remote desktop into it. With the way this is going, unless there is an issue, which I should be able to see via the data from the serial port, or via a webcam, I should only have to go up once every two weeks to fill up the water in the barrels. Wish me luck!
Went and breezed through a bit of your code. Didn't think about using EEPROM. My first step is to get this thing working and responding to sensor data, but I definitely think I'm going to have to start playing with the rasppi shortly afterwords and see if I can't modify your code to work with my setup. Very nice indeed.