Are all cats amazing?

I love our cats but the little mother fuckers like to piss on things. Dog beds & furniture are their favorite, but they have been known to piss on just about anything.
Their shit is also some of the most foul smelling organic matter on the planet.
Basically, everything that comes out of a cat is foul.
Some cats are a pain in the ass and piss and shit where ever they feel like. Even pissed on the watermelon that was on a chair. Then they take a ride to mc donalds to live by the dumpster.
Honestly, I don't know how someone would be able to find that pussy. Her gynecologist would need a GPS...


We adopted a little stray last fall and he has blossomed into a really awesome member of the family. So I reflected on my nine lifetime cats and came to the conclusion that all cats are amazing.

I dated some girls whose cats were a pain in the ass (siamese) but maybe I just didn't get to know them well enough.

Has anybody ever had a really shitty cat?
I can write a book. We are currently living with a very shitty cat. So mean you can't pet or pick him up. What's worse, he purrs and rubs against your legs so you bend down to pet and he hisses and runs away or takes a swat at you. Had him since 8 wks so can't figure out why he's such an asshole. 19 pound asshole.

In college I had to put a cat down for this same reason, only she was more violent. Would snack up and attack. Slashed the shit out of me while sleeping. Can't rehome one like that.

I've had 2 Siamese and am planning to get another this year. Love them.

I love cats. I'd have 10 if I could. @StonedFarmer you love cats right? :-)
I had this bad ass girlfriend, but holy shit her cat was totally off tap. this thing was insane doors windows open, no dont go outside or use a litter tray this thing would go into another room piss shit on the lounge bed wherever it felt like For me the last straw for me was when it dropped a load on the bed while we where at it ! That was it for me we where done ! I like cats just not that one.......:cuss::spew:dirty bitch:fire:
I had this bad ass girlfriend, but holy shit her cat was totally off tap. this thing was insane doors windows open, no dont go outside or use a litter tray this thing would go into another room piss shit on the lounge bed wherever it felt like For me the last straw for me was when it dropped a load on the bed while we where at it ! That was it for me we where done ! I like cats just not that one.......:cuss::spew:dirty bitch:fire:
This post really made me laugh and brought back a memory.

We had a dirty cat once, I loved her but my mum didn't! Lol. So, I got a plastic joke poo, it was quite large, at least dog size but that didn't stop me. I placed the poo on my mums bed and waited.

"Oh no!" Came the screams! "Look what she's done now!". I walked into the bedroom, stifling a laugh and doing my best straight face impression. I picked it up with my bare hands, then she knew it was a joke! It really got her though!
Cats are great!! For pole buildings,garages,barns etc for keeping mice on the down low.. But they leave you a box of shit and don't care about you when you come home!!
Dogs are happy to see you! Oh,and shit outside and rescue people and sniff bombs and attack bad people and protect homes and on and on...
Sorry, forgot this isn't a cat vs dig thread..