Are all MMJ doctors incompetant

When I was running dtw with coco and using drip pans that was a real bitch. You have to manually empty each one. That is a good amount of work for sure. It does work well so can't argue with the results.[/QUOTE

I agree it works ok but its time consuming and you cant do much of a thorough flush for salt buildup etc with saucers if its needed. Personally all my my runoff goes into
1 small catch basin and when it hits about 7 inches the wayne automatic sump pump kicks on and pumps it to a leech pit outdoors faster than anything filling it. easy no maintenance no hassles about a 100 bucks.

Right on sounds a lot more labor friendly for the medical community. I use blumats now with ease. Loving life :)
Didn't you start that out by calling another person incompetent? Oh and I prefer legal harvests every couple weeks or less instead. You should consider dong it that way so if yours young self gets busted because your posting pics or bragging about 20 pounds you wont need so much ass lube when you hit the yard.

You mean your little rant and raving hissy fit thread about how the doctors are messing it all up for you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Whatever you say faker. Nothing illegal about what I do. But you would know better than I or anyone else in our organization ofcourse based upon one picture and a few posts. Butthen again everyone is an internet lawyer on here no matter where they didnt go to college.
You mean your little rant and raving hissy fit thread about how the doctors are messing it all up for you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. Whatever you say faker. Nothing illegal about what I do. But you would know better than I or anyone else in our organization ofcourse based upon one picture and a few posts. Butthen again everyone is an internet lawyer on here no matter where they didnt go to college.

Your youth arrogance and inexperience seem to just shout pathetic.