Are alot of japeneise/asian people stoners?


Active Member
Ur forgettin some of da best weed comes from Thailand. Great sun n high uvb levels get those sativas frosty n mad cheap. Regs cost bout 15 bucks an ounce. U can smoke urself silly with it n hav weed ball fights. N yes we asians do smoke plenty o bud. We're just better at bein discreet bein taught ninjitsu at skool.


Well-Known Member
I live in NYC so about 99% of the people are asian, most of the young ones do smoke, and even drink some, I was suprised to find while taking a psycology class that most asian people can not metabolites alcohol, or milk for some strange reason

thats why we made soy milk. yes we are easy drunks. my face turns red except my nose and I can feel my heart beat on my face and feel a bit out of breath. but those asians that do drink can drink. its like anything when you biuld a tolerance.


Well-Known Member
my friend hes white and when he smokes his eyes make him look like a white chinese guy they are all slanted we call him chinky eyes its hilarious