Are BagSeeds worth it ?

can you guys recommend some names ?
If you're in EU, go to any of the established breeders in Spain or the Netherlands.

Ace Seeds
Sensi Seeds
Dutch Passion
Barney's Farm
Nirvana Seeds
Royal Queen Seeds
Seedsman (UK)

There are shops that resell, Seedsman is one of them.

You will find one which will deliver to your country. Often there are options for untraceable payment. You can have the seeds delivered to a place that can not be associated with you, if you are extra paranoid (I would not recommend that).

Keep this in mind: the penalty for getting caught with a live plant in flower will be much higher than the penalty (if there even is one) for importing seeds.

Importing the seeds in not the problem, growing the plants is, if you're in a place where it's illegal. Growing from bag seeds is just as "bad" as growing from bred seeds.

Just order some seeds, you can also make feminized pollen and then make more seeds yourself. You can order regular seeds and just breed the regular way. There are lots of options.

Also, you can always keep a mother plant or two and then keep taking clones forever.

so what is the advantage of getting seeds from a breeder ?
You will get very good genetics. That's the most important thing when growing.

getting 3grams of seeds online is big enough that you will be in the news LOL
Seeds aren't measured in grams. Just the plain seeds should not even get you in trouble, keeping live plants is what'll get you in trouble.

i mean my bagseeds will have the same quality and genetics as the mother which the buds came from ?
Absolutely not, because you do not know the father of the plant. The male pollen could be from a fiber hemp plant.

It is very difficult to say what the bag seed genetics even could be. Maybe they've been grown in a location where breeding takes place. In that case they probably have been pollinated by a selected male -- the resulting offspring could be very desirable. It's a game of chance.
Already planted 2 seeds i saved from the

best two buds i ever got my hands on , they are not the same strain i'm pretty sure of that .
They grow up in a strange way .
View attachment 5010308View attachment 5010309
View attachment 5010310View attachment 5010311
The bigger one is 35 days old

the small is 30 days old

And this is a close photo of the bigger one View attachment 5010314

so what is your thoughts ?

Weird grow, very cool though and why the hell not.
I always love tossing one or two mystery seeds every year. Part of the fun is the unknown. My son gave about 100 assorted he had collected up.
I always love tossing one or two mystery seeds every year. Part of the fun is the unknown.
If you have the space to grow lots of plants, yes, it's fun. I would do it, too.

If you have a 3x3 tent and you're paranoid about even ordering seeds, dropping a bag seed or two, then waiting 4 months to discover the weed is garbage is very aggravating.

The more restricted the environment is you're growing in, the more important it is to start with genetics that are pretty close to 100% guaranted to be AAA.
Hey guys , i’m from a country which cannabis is illegal, so we don’t have breeders or seed banks , only seeds came from buds you buy , my dream is to grow in home , because i even rarely found good buds to buy . So what to do with those bag seeds i find ? Is it worth it to grow them ? Will i get the same bud quality as the buds i found the seeds in ? Or lower quality? Honestly what to do if you were in my shoes ?
Grow them!!!!!
If you're in EU, go to any of the established breeders in Spain or the Netherlands.

Ace Seeds
Sensi Seeds
Dutch Passion
Barney's Farm
Nirvana Seeds
Royal Queen Seeds
Seedsman (UK)

There are shops that resell, Seedsman is one of them.

You will find one which will deliver to your country. Often there are options for untraceable payment. You can have the seeds delivered to a place that can not be associated with you, if you are extra paranoid (I would not recommend that).

Keep this in mind: the penalty for getting caught with a live plant in flower will be much higher than the penalty (if there even is one) for importing seeds.

Importing the seeds in not the problem, growing the plants is, if you're in a place where it's illegal. Growing from bag seeds is just as "bad" as growing from bred seeds.

Just order some seeds, you can also make feminized pollen and then make more seeds yourself. You can order regular seeds and just breed the regular way. There are lots of options.

Also, you can always keep a mother plant or two and then keep taking clones forever.

You will get very good genetics. That's the most important thing when growing.

Seeds aren't measured in grams. Just the plain seeds should not even get you in trouble, keeping live plants is what'll get you in trouble.

Absolutely not, because you do not know the father of the plant. The male pollen could be from a fiber hemp plant.

It is very difficult to say what the bag seed genetics even could be. Maybe they've been grown in a location where breeding takes place. In that case they probably have been pollinated by a selected male -- the resulting offspring could be very desirable. It's a game of chance.
I'm shocked that Seedstockers isn't on that list. I've never grown anything but great stuff from them.
I'm shocked that Seedstockers isn't on that list. I've never grown anything but great stuff from them.
I'm sure there are lots and lots more of AAA breeders. I just listed a few good ones off the top of my head from a EU perspective.

Let's just stay away from anybody who seems even remotely fishy. If in doubt, choose suppliers with a multi-decade reputation. There are zero reasons to trust an unknown source with the number of breeders on the market than you can absolutely trust.
Already planted 2 seeds i saved from the

best two buds i ever got my hands on , they are not the same strain i'm pretty sure of that .
They grow up in a strange way .
View attachment 5010308View attachment 5010309
View attachment 5010310View attachment 5010311
The bigger one is 35 days old

the small is 30 days old

And this is a close photo of the bigger one View attachment 5010314

so what is your thoughts ?
need to feed some nutrients to those plants. Only problem with bag seed is male - female ratio
i don't know for sure , but getting 3grams of seeds online is big enough that you will be in the news LOL
I hear that. You’re the one who’s there and who would be thrown in jail. For those who can’t visit a Turkish prison - visit Mexico. I’ve had to retrieve multiple people from jails in Mexico. From the border down. No money? You ain’t eating. You ain’t getting a bed either and you’ll be sucking chorizos just to keep from getting beat.

Run those bag seeds. I’ve planted thousands in 55 years of growing.
I hear that. You’re the one who’s there and who would be thrown in jail. For those who can’t visit a Turkish prison - visit Mexico. I’ve had to retrieve multiple people from jails in Mexico. From the border down. No money? You ain’t eating. You ain’t getting a bed either and you’ll be sucking chorizos just to keep from getting beat.

Run those bag seeds. I’ve planted thousands in 55 years of growing.
Chorizos. Hahahaha
If I lived in a jurisdiction where getting hanged or sucking chorizos for 10 years was even in the cards, I would not consider growing MJ. Neither bag seeds nor otherwise.

There's a new post every week here about how a seedbank screwed somebody.
Some people ask to get screwed. I don't have a lot of pity.
I have a keeper I got from a dispensary eighter she's a year old now. She's London pound miintz and if you Google seed junky prices, trying anything is worth it lol.