Are Boosters and Additives Really Necessary?

I am a huge ub follower, I also own a hydro store. I keep things simple and green, But i honestly tried spiking with bloombastic in week 6-7.
not using as directed, Just one feeding at a certain time, I really think it made my buds bigger and harder, Being I get it wholesale, it didn't hurt to try.
Now, here is the thing with the nutes I carry at my store. I carry what my customers ask for, newbies, I always give a bottle of dynagro.
I get new nute companies wanting me to give free samples out of there"best in the business nutes" this is what I always tell them.
" even if it's the best nute in the world, I can give the samples away and Not 1 person will come back and ask to buy that product. They always buy what they have been using. I try to tell them I can grow circles around them with $10 nutes, but they still buy there base nutes and add-ons. so it's not always the hydro stores trying to get your money, it's the misinformation from the net and the creative advertising some companies do that make people buy certain nutes,and if there happy with the results, I'm happy to take there money, that is why I started a business in america afterall.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
But does the bling-bling have electrolytes? :)

I am a huge ub follower, I also own a hydro store. I keep things simple and green, But i honestly tried spiking with bloombastic in week 6-7.
not using as directed, Just one feeding at a certain time, I really think it made my buds bigger and harder, Being I get it wholesale, it didn't hurt to try.
Now, here is the thing with the nutes I carry at my store. I carry what my customers ask for, newbies, I always give a bottle of dynagro.
I get new nute companies wanting me to give free samples out of there"best in the business nutes" this is what I always tell them.
" even if it's the best nute in the world, I can give the samples away and Not 1 person will come back and ask to buy that product. They always buy what they have been using. I try to tell them I can grow circles around them with $10 nutes, but they still buy there base nutes and add-ons. so it's not always the hydro stores trying to get your money, it's the misinformation from the net and the creative advertising some companies do that make people buy certain nutes,and if there happy with the results, I'm happy to take there money, that is why I started a business in america afterall.
That pretty much wraps it up. Well said!



Well-Known Member
OK, a lot of good words again, but can somebody please post some pics of grows that were completed with 'base' nutes only. We had one guy post (thanks) but he used h202 @ 29% , along with cal-mag and pk, which makes it hardly an additive free grow.

The only thing that should be 'wraped up' here is the talking, let me see some grows...
OK, a lot of good words again, but can somebody please post some pics of grows that were completed with 'base' nutes only. We had one guy post (thanks) but he used h202 @ 29% , along with cal-mag and pk, which makes it hardly an additive free grow.

The only thing that should be 'wraped up' here is the talking, let me see some grows...
I only grow tomatoes and don't post those pics,lol
He has to use cal-mag because he is using r/o water, I do the same. You will have a deficiency if you don't.


Well-Known Member

Can anyone link me to a successful grow of someone who just uses basic nutes?
FWIW, I only use 2 products, both from Jack's Classic - All-Purpose for veg and Bloom for (err..) bloom. No additives, no magic potions, no secret spells. You're welcome to browse my IC gallery for more examples. My username there is simon. Good luck.


FWIW, I only use 2 products, both from Jack's Classic - All-Purpose for veg and Bloom for (err..) bloom. No additives, no magic potions, no secret spells. You're welcome to browse my IC gallery for more examples. My username there is simon. Good luck.

you should try lowering the bloom a little and replace it with a little veg, it will keep the N up and you won't have that slight yellowing.
check it out, they recommend it on there site


Well-Known Member
you should try lowering the bloom a little and replace it with a little veg, it will keep the N up and you won't have that slight yellowing.
check it out, they recommend it on there site
The pic was shot shortly before harvest. The yellowing was expected, as per the nutrient concentration leading into week 9. I've been running Jack's for ~7 years. Over time I've tried other nutrients, worked with a given additive or two or three, and always came back to Jack's. At this point I see no reason to use anything else.

On a personal note, I sometime cringe when I see new growers with sixty five different bottles of crap to add to their plants. How can anyone work with something like this and no point of reference? MJ cultivation can be so easy and rewarding, yet folks insist on making it extremely difficult. No product will turn a noob into a pro.


Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
OK, a lot of good words again, but can somebody please post some pics of grows that were completed with 'base' nutes only. We had one guy post (thanks) but he used h202 @ 29% , along with cal-mag and pk, which makes it hardly an additive free grow.

The only thing that should be 'wraped up' here is the talking, let me see some grows...
Gonna toot my horn. The following link has images of what a healthy plant should look like. Also contains a typical finisher. No additives, no boosters of course. One week seedlings and plant spreads are 13" +.

As an aside, why do you have to have pictures? No two gardens are the same.

On a personal note, I sometime cringe when I see new growers with sixty five different bottles of crap to add to their plants. How can anyone work with something like this and no point of reference? MJ cultivation can be so easy and rewarding, yet folks insist on making it extremely difficult. No product will turn a noob into a pro.
Yep, pretty incredulous Simon! .....and walking into a garage makes you a mechanic too doncha know. ;)



Well-Known Member
You are allowed to 'toot your horn UB, them are some beautiful plants!
But again, not in Hydro :(

900+ views, not one hydro grow with base nutes only!


Well-Known Member
Dyna-Gro is complete and is a cheap food for water culture. 2nd, most hydroponic gardens I've seen don't have the healthy look or yields compared to those grown in soil.

Yeah, Dyna Grow is the one I might be willing to give a try next go around.
Thanks for the honest statement.


Would you consider them as healthy?


Well-Known Member
'As an aside, why do you have to have pictures? No two gardens are the same.'

Cause words are cheap and pictures speak a thousand of them. Been around long enough to trust my eyes over someones words on these forums :)


Well-Known Member
OK, a lot of good words again, but can somebody please post some pics of grows that were completed with 'base' nutes only. We had one guy post (thanks) but he used h202 @ 29% , along with cal-mag and pk, which makes it hardly an additive free grow.

The only thing that should be 'wraped up' here is the talking, let me see some grows...

My 1st grow, completed with just "base" nutes... she didnt turn out so bad.



Well-Known Member
Nice plant, but sadly, again not in water?! I don't doubt that all of you can grow a plant in the dirt without additives.
I was replying to what you were asking for... Dont ask for pics, then change your mind and say those pics arent good enough...

kevin murphy

New Member
nice nugzzzzzz.........
first off i'd like to say thank you to CannabisGuru for your PM concerning my harvest and cure, thanks for the tips, it had come a little late as i had already smoked most of it, hehe. but it will come in handy in about a month when i get to do it again! woo-hoo cant wait.

Also, do you have a journal up or pics, ive been curious about the GO line, seems like a nice an easy way to do organics in hydro. are you in hydro or soil? i use the bio-root to help out clones and seedlings since its a nice 1-1-1 feeding and organic=less chance of burn.
what line-up of nutes do you use? and are you in soil, soilless, or hydro? what does the bio-weed do? i hate walking through the hydro store and lookin at all of these bottles that ALL say they're the best and what not, i need a bit more experience under my belt, i guess the only way to know is to try it out, huh?

and heres some pics of what i got last harvest, i grew out some Nirvana Northern Lights and Barneys farms g13 haze (would love to know a bit of history on this strain if anyone knows). i didn't care much for the NL but i did mess up at the end, i had a few light leaks and some nute burn. i used general hydro's line and a 400w light. got about 10 o's total.

I admit i am trying some additives now, but you should do a grow with the basics first to see what its all about. and then go on from there. additives i am using this run is big bud from AN and kool bloom from GH at the end to help ripen. i think the 'extra weight' is all dependent on light and proper feed schedule more so than additives, but hell you never know until you try, and now i know a bit more about my strain too