Are Caterpillars Stoners ?


Well-Known Member
Just got a few of the little fellas having a munch on the plants outside and was thinking are they getting a buzz ?

Obviously they haven't decarbed the THCA ( I haven't seen any little bongs laying around) but they aren't eating any of the fan leaves and just seem to focus on the buds ! They don't even touch the plants that haven't flowered yet either.

So I wonder at they getting effected in any way or are they missing out on all the fun. :)


Well-Known Member
Maybe. A study showed that spiders get high.

A spider web

A spider web from a spider on drugs

"Specifically, this a web on marijuana. It was made by one of the NASA spiders, which appears to have given up on it halfway through. NASA says the spiders that were given marijuana were easily sidetracked while building and left their webs unfinished."



Well-Known Member
All the animals or insects I ever tried getting stoned enjoyed it, but don't let em eat your plant, man.


Well-Known Member
I went to bunnings and got a Caterpillar killer and haven't seen any of them on the plants today I was just curious to know if they also liked the Herb. Can't really blame them they do smell delicious