are hermies smokeable?


Well-Known Member
after some foul up with lighting cycles my plants have gone herm, but i dont have anything else ready to flower at the moment, can you still smoke herms if you let em grow out?



Hell yea! Crap shoot on the quality tho. I have had killer dank results and fluffy mid results... either way it did the job!


Active Member
definitely! Just watch out for seeds! Then grow those out and smoke them too! If you can find the "nanners" in time then simply pull them off to prevent any further pollination. I had a Chem D go hermi with me and I pulled off the "nanners" with no problems to the plant. here is a couple of pictures of it!


Well-Known Member
thanks all appreciate it. i will let you know how it tases. ive been pruning the nuts off as frequently as i can, but my plant must hate me for all this castration ive been doing. poor thing.


Well-Known Member
Buds is buds. Seedless is of course prefered, but given a choice between no buds at all and buds with some seeds, seeds don't look too bad. Save the seeds though, if you hermied them by stress those will be great fem seeds.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I've had some discounted bud from a producer that went hermie. HUGE discount. It knocked me on my ass. The seeds were a pain in the ass but worth the effort. ;)
I'm not sure as far as the dank-ness goes, but to be honest, thc is thc. Hell if i need to save money i'll grind up the stems and vap those. Although now that I think about it.. i'm the only one in my circle that does that. ha! Good luck