Are Intelligent Women Sexy?


Well-Known Member
i do rather prefer intelligence over stupidity, but.

i prefer a good heart over a good brain.

its much more bearable to live with a stupid good person than a evil intelligent person.


Well-Known Member
No I want a dumb skank that knows her place...the kitchen!

Lol that was good, and I keed. But duh I love a smart woman. Its a huge aphrodisiac for me when I can learn something from a woman. Other than what the kardashians are up to.


Well-Known Member
heh, knowing what is considered a freak today, (basically good people that are somewhat different from the norm (good and intelligent)

id much rather be a freak than anything else.


Well-Known Member
Beardo, I promise if you came and lived with me I'd cook you up anything you'd like and hang up your coat when you come in from work <3
Most women don't seem to really want to settle down long term. How old are you? Are you sure you want to be hanging up the same coat every night?
I'm sick of putting myself through trying to settle down and being good to someone only to get my heart broken in the end, and one night stands are unfulfilling because your alone and unsatisfied again when its over.


Well-Known Member
My God. I was was Big Brother (UK) and there's a contestant called Alex on it. It sounds so mean, but the girl is as dumb as anyone I've ever come across. She was completely obsessed with the cash prize as well (though saying it was for her grandfather)

The kitchen is a place where magic should happen. Filled with love, be it bent over the counter or a well-cooked meal coming from your heart.




Well-Known Member
Most women don't seem to really want to settle down long term. How old are you? Are you sure you want to be hanging up the same coat every night?
I'm sick of putting myself through trying to settle down and being good to someone only to get my heart broken in the end, and one night stands are unfulfilling because your alone and unsatisfied again when its over.

That is true. That's why it frustrates me when I hear about nice guys like you getting screwed over. Like that whole marriage proposal thing you had a few months ago where you said you wanted to ind some hookers afterwards. I know Angry men often use vulnerable women, and I had a feeling you weren't truly fulfilled with the one night stands.

I go on about how mean men are to women but IT IS JUST AS IMPORTANT THAT WOMEN IN A RELATIONSHIP TREAT THEIR MAN RIGHT. Be grateful, ungrateful women. Don't 'punish' a man for being lenient, kindhearted or gentle. Appreciate the good men there are in the world and stop with the golddigger nonsense, or you'll ruin the good men left.


Well-Known Member
i would never, ever, even touch a relationship. if it wasnt true love.

if it aint true love, its never gonna work out.

how can you tell if its true love? your heart goes nuts at the sight of them,big bada boom (its a feeling in the heart, not the head, stomach or crotch)


Well-Known Member
Ya know you can find true love multiple times. ;)
I agree. In much the same way as you may love your family members equally.

But It seems the majority of relationships (or at least those of people in my own age category) seem to be just two people having sex, arguing alot and being a pair for the sake of having a girlfriend/boyfriend. True, it would have been nice to have had a prom date, but I guess I would have been just as sad going with someone I knew didn't love me.


Well-Known Member
Come on Beardo. I could count the stars in the sky a hundred times over and wouldn't even get close to the number of times you've asked her that. :eyesmoke:
We need some ID checking bouncers working the door so we know it's all fair game in the club
You don't want to go out like Lawrence Taylor.
I must be getting old, 18 looks young- I still remember when I thought 21 year olds were old, Time goes fast.
I saw the pictures she put up, with the hello kitty shit on, I wouldn't try to hit on her I would figuer she was in school still, Nowadays if a chick doesn't have a marlboro, kids and streatch marks I don't bother

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
We need some ID checking bouncers working the door so we know it's all fair game in the club
You don't want to go out like Lawrence Taylor.
I must be getting old, 18 looks young- I still remember when I thought 21 year olds were old, Time goes fast.
I saw the pictures she put up, with the hello kitty shit on, I wouldn't try to hit on her I would figuer she was in school still, Nowadays if a chick doesn't have a marlboro, kids and streatch marks I don't bother
But she is in school still. :lol: