Are Joints Really A Waste Of Weed?


Well-Known Member
What type of weed are you smoking, The only weed around here you can get for $60 an eighth is KB, Which isn't much better than Hydro swag I get for 50 an Ounce. Northern Lights is our next cheapest at 100 an eighth. and GDP is around 200 a quarter. I only buy Hydro Swag. But many of my friends buy all this stuff. Nothing like GDP in a waterfall!


"I only buy hydro swag'


Well-Known Member
I think joints are kind of a waste of weed, but I also fail at rolling. I can SEE small nugs sometimes falling off my joints.

I just got a new pipe too, it's pretty sweet.


Well-Known Member
i just use 1 gram to roll a cigarillo and smoke on those all day. burns nice and slow and isnt really big enough to fit that much in it


Well-Known Member
Ok... You all do know that hydro isn't a type of weed but a way it's grown right... You CAN get some shitty grown bud that was grown using a hydro system... Hence the term, hydro swag.

So again, why is it funny?


Active Member
all glass all the time... i only smoke joints with schwag what i have a lot. Bongs, bubblers, and bowls are the way to go. I have 3 bowls, 2 med sized bongs, two homemade bongs, a double bubbler, and my pride and joy a 22 inch double perc, diffuser, and ashcatcher. I use them all on rotation depending on the quality and my mood.
Paper doesnt last long enough.


Well-Known Member
though bowls may be easier and bongs a cooler smoke, joints are a way of life. sitting there patiently rolling a perfect joint is almost meditative. lovingly dismembering that perfect bud, slowly crumbling it into a small rollable mound (no grinders or such, the feel of the herb is too delightful for those crude tools), carefully spreading it across the paper and gently forming that flawless cylinder of delight. a quick lick and a tender caress to seal the moistened edge, then on to the next perfect number. better than bad sex and almost as good as the high itself.

thats poetry.... love making to my eyes


Well-Known Member
I've never in my life seen or heard of hydro swag. Swag is a term used by most to describe brick weed, or mexican. Now, their might be people doing huge ops of hydroponic marijuana that dont take care of it nd only produce hydro swag. I thought hydropnics took alot more care, and whatnot?


Active Member
I don't smoke out of pipes or bongs, i do one hits b/c the first hit off a bowl or bong, and IMO the flame sears off most of the crystals, so after the first hit on a bowl or bong, it's all bud and ash and no resin crystals, all of that is my opinion of course. Also I should clarify, I call regular weed joint weed, b/c well I roll up regular azz $30-40 quarter weed and if I buy some 50/100, then i smoke it out of a one hitter


Well-Known Member
I've never in my life seen or heard of hydro swag. Swag is a term used by most to describe brick weed, or mexican. Now, their might be people doing huge ops of hydroponic marijuana that dont take care of it nd only produce hydro swag. I thought hydropnics took alot more care, and whatnot?

I agree with you. It MUST be shitty hydro grown weed. There's NO need to grow shiity weed


Well-Known Member
That's exactly what it is. A hydro system where someone probably didn't pick out the males, probably just barely kept the plants alive, and probably picked the buds WAY to early and probably didn't cure them or flush them.


Well-Known Member
but if you knew anything, I mean anything at all about marijuana you wouldnt forget to do all that. And if you're a commercial hydro grower, you're gunna know your shit. And you can't just neglect a hydro system the whole time, or your plants wouldnt make it past two weeks old. Thats why I laughed when yu said hydro swhag. lol