are male plants good or bad

purple kush16

Active Member
i just dicovered one of my plants is a male i took it away from my females i tookit outside but i ANTS KEEP IT IS THERE ANY USE in keeping a male do they produce budds


Active Member
male plants are mostly useless, they barely get any THC and if kept near the female it will create seeds with the female and that lowers the potency of the female plant. Female is what you want, male it what you dont want


If you have somewhere to keep them they are great for practice. You can abuse them and practice topping and such on them. They are pretty useless for anything else though, unless you are trying to breed seeds.

G Bus

Good to smoke??? NO
Good to pollenate so you get more seeds and start the fun again? YES

Also, is you keep it growing in with your females its gunna take up precious light, and we all know that PLANTS NEED LIGHT:mrgreen:

Good luck growing


Well-Known Member
No male plants dont produce buds . But if you want to make seeds you can harvest the pollen from the male and keep it in a air tight container and use it to dust the females you want to produce seeds .