Are males and female flowers distinguishable within 24h on 12/12??


Active Member
hey all i have a question . I just put my 6 mazars into flowering yesterday i was wondering if the male and female flowers look similar in the very beginning(12-24hrs) because im having a real hard time telling what they are...any comments would be amazing thanks lol


Well-Known Member
not really, it depends on how developed preflowers are if there are any

but yeah, i wouldnt expect it to be apparant in just 24 hours, give it like a week


Active Member
has anyone grown mazar (not feminized) and could give me some first hand advice that would be sick...thanks for the comment so far!!


Well-Known Member
i had a similar question.... is it possible to discern what the plant sex may be by characteristics they may show during veg like such as if a plant grows tall or bushy, or if some may grow many main branches and so on and so forth


Well-Known Member
I've found if you veg them long enough, you eventually see the pistils and know it's a female. Also, males don't need 12/12 to grow some nuts, so eventually you see those, whether it's in veg or flower. But different strains are different. I had one strain (Blue Mystic maybe?) that *never* showed any pistils, or nuts for that matter, no matter how long I vegged them, and then when I put them in flower, they all grew nuts. But that was one strain out of many. All the rest, I was eventually able to tell *before* flowering. Your mileage may vary. ;)